Audi 80/Avant (B4)

Since 1991-1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/Avant
+ The description
+ Engines
+ System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and воздухозаборные channels
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
- Transmission and transmission
   Removal and installation of a mechanical transmission (КП)
   Noise in a transmission
   Automatic transmission (АКП)
   Electronic control АКП
   The main transfer
   Power shafts
   Check of cuffs of power shafts
   The list of malfunctions
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Antiblocking system of brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ Kuzovnaja electrosystem
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications

The list of malfunctions

Power shafts

Cuffs (arrow) on карданных hinges of both power shafts should not have cracks or other damages. Water and a dirt are dangerous for карданного the hinge.

Usually with power shafts there are no problems. Term of their service, naturally, depends on style of driving. Sharp starts with the turned out forward wheels and трогания from a place with proslipping lead to premature breakages of hinges.
  • Hinges of power shafts suddenly show signs of malfunctions which, however, soon can disappear completely again. «The quiet phase» can proceed many days or kilometres.
  • Rhythmic noise of palpation or knock by pressing a pedal of an accelerator are characteristic or at movement in a mode of compulsory idling (накатом). If noise change depending on wheel turn the external hinge (from outside wheels, most likely, is faulty).
  • Vibrations and steering wheel trembling at the turned wheels also specify in the faulty external hinge.

Removal of a forward power shaft

The nut for connecting draught of the stabilizer, and also a sealing lining for the internal hinge of a shaft (the lining is not necessary at the 6-cylinder engine with mechanical and automatic transmissions) is required to you new шестигранный a bolt with not falling down lock element for the external hinge of a power shaft, самоконтрящаяся.


  1. To remove a wheel cap.
  2. To weaken wheel bolts.
  3. To weaken шестигранный a bolt in a wheel nave; for this purpose the car should be fixed.
  4. To raise the car in front and зфиксировать it.
  5. To remove a wheel.
  6. To turn off stabilizer nuts on the right and at the left.
  7. To squeeze out the stabilizer upward.
  8. At presence – to remove transmission protection.
  9. To turn out bolts with внутреннием шестигранником, fastening a shaft to a transmission.
  10. To wring out a power shaft from a transmission flange.
  11. On models with ABS a few to delay back the gauge of number of turns.
  12. For shaft removal accordingly to turn out a steering.
  13. Installation: to establish on the internal hinge a new sealing lining. For this purpose to remove from a lining a protective film.
  14. At first to insert a shaft from outside wheels. Then crosswisely to tighten fixing bolts on a drive flange from outside transmissions (bolts М8: 45 Н•м; bolts М10: 80 Н•м). Do not forget sealing linings!
  15. To lower the car, to block wheels. New bolts of a nave of wheels to tighten as follows:
  16. Bolt М14 х 1,5: to tighten the moment 120 Н•м and in summary to tighten for 1/4 (90 °).
  17. Bolt М16 х 1,5: to tighten the moment 200 Н•м and in summary to tighten for 1/4 (90 °).
  18. To tighten nuts on on connecting draught of the stabilizer the moment 20 Н•м.
  19. On models with ABS manually to push the gauge of number of turns against the stop.

Removal of a back power shaft

The sealing lining for the internal hinge of a shaft (a lining only for models with 5 and 6-cylinder engines) is required to you new шестигранный a bolt with not falling down lock element for the external hinge of a power shaft, and also.


  1. To remove a wheel cap.
  2. To weaken wheel bolts.
  3. To weaken шестигранный a bolt in a wheel nave; for this purpose the car should be fixed.
  4. To raise the car behind and to fix it.
  5. To remove a wheel.
  6. To turn out bolts with internal шестигранником, крепящим a shaft to differential of the back bridge.
  7. To wring out карданный a shaft from a flange of a drive at a transmission.
  8. A few to delay back the gauge of number of turns of system ABS.
  9. To take out a shaft.
  10. Installation: to establish on the internal hinge a new sealing lining. For this purpose to remove from a lining a protective film.
  11. At first to insert a shaft from outside wheels. Then crosswisely to tighten fixing bolts on a drive flange from the inside (bolts М8: 45 Н•м; bolts М10: 80 Н•м). Do not forget sealing linings!
  12. To lower the car, to block wheels. A new bolt of a nave of a wheel to tighten as follows:
  13. Bolt М14 х 1,5: to tighten the moment 120 Н•м and in summary to tighten for 1/4 (90 °).
  14. Bolt М16 х 1,5: to tighten the moment 200 Н•м and in summary to tighten for 1/4 (90 °).
  15. To tighten nuts on on connecting draught of the stabilizer the moment 20 Н•м.
  16. Manually to push the gauge of number of turns of system ABS against the stop.

 The help: do not move cars with removed карданным shaft; otherwise the bearing of a nave of a wheel is damaged. At an emergency situation it is necessary to establish only the external hinge.

On cars Audi various power shafts depending on engine and transmission type are established. Therefore at purchase of spare parts have at itself marks of the engine and identification number of the car.

Removal of the external hinge

All models

The external hinge of a power shaft:

1 – a lock ring;
2 – распорная a washer;
3 – тарельчатая a spring.


  1. To remove a power shaft.
  2. If the cuff is perfectly in order, it is necessary to unbend the big collar, to remove back a protective cuff.
  3. If the cuff is damaged, it is necessary to remove it completely.
  4. To make from within on the hinge strong blow by an aluminium or plastic hammer and thus to shift the hinge from a shaft.
  5. Before installation of the new hinge to insert a new lock ring into a groove of a leading shaft.
  6. To establish тарельчатую a spring and распорную a washer, in a case if they have been established in the corresponding version of a power shaft as it is shown in drawing. Do not forget rubber cuffs.
  7. At installation насаживать the hinge on a shaft by means of a plastic hammer until will be fixed a lock ring.
  8. To grease the hinge: on the new hinge with external diameter 81 or 88 mm it is necessary 90 г plastic greasing MoS2 (VW G 6), thus 40 г in the hinge and 50 г in a cuff.
  9. On hinges with external diameter 98 mm are necessary большее quantity of greasing: 120 г plastic greasing MoS2 (VW G 6), thus 80 г in the hinge and 40 г in a cuff.
  10. If already used hinges are established, in them it is necessary to add greasings only.
  11. Strong to compress cuff collars.

Removal of the internal hinge

The Gomokinetichesky hinge

The internal hinge (2):

1 – a lock washer;
3 – a power shaft.


  1. To remove a power shaft.
  2. By means of two narrow screw-drivers patiently to take a lock ring from a groove on the end of a shaft and to remove it.
  3. Now to pull together the hinge from a shaft; if necessary to help itself a plastic or aluminium hammer.
  4. If the hinge does not manage to be removed from a shaft, it should be wrung out by means of a repair press in a workshop.
  5. At installation at first to put on a cuff.
  6. If in your car there is a hinge with тарельчатой a spring before installation it is necessary to put on a spring a shaft or to check its position: on external edge it should be camber towards the hinge.
  7. To put on the hinge on полуось, to establish a lock ring.
  8. The lock ring in itself will not get to a groove, therefore it is necessary to clamp полуось in a vice, to establish the big replaceable face head or a pipe piece over an internal part of the hinge and sharply to strike on it a hammer. The hinge will a little move back, bending a spring, and the lock ring will enter into a groove.
  9. Grease the hinge: on the new hinge with external diameter 90 or 100 mm are necessary 90 г plastic greasing MoS2 (VW G 6), thus 40 г in the hinge and 50 г in a cuff.
  10. On hinges with external diameter 108 mm are necessary большее quantity of greasing: 120 г plastic greasing MoS2 (VW G 6), thus 35 г in the hinge and 85 г in a cuff.
  11. If are established already used карданные hinges, in them it is necessary to add greasings only.
  12. Before hinge screwing up (or a cuff flange) put on a sealing surface between a flange of a cuff and the hinge condensing means VW D 3.

Removal of the internal hinge

Hinge "Трипод"

Kardannyj hinge "Трипод" (1) cannot be separated from a leading semiaxis. Gomokinetichesky hinges, on the contrary, can be removed from actually power shaft (3) – both external (2), and internal (4).


  1. Hinges "Трипод" cannot be separated from a power shaft. As spare parts they are delivered complete with a semiaxis and a protective cuff. Thus, at replacement it is necessary to remove the external hinge and to replace a shaft with the internal hinge.
  2. If the protective cuff of hinge "Трипод" at first it is necessary to remove the external hinge is defective only. On очищеному to a power shaft the cuff can be shifted to hinge "Трипод". A critical point: the cuff needs to be raised over a ledge in the middle of a shaft. For this purpose grease a ledge консистентной with greasing and raise a cuff over a thickening by means of the stupid round tool (the spoon handle).
  3. In the hinge are 140 г консистентной greasings G 000 605. At cuff replacement it is necessary to add only a few greasings.

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