Audi 80/90/Coupe
+ 1.2. Car identification
- 2. Engines, carburettors
2.1.2. Removal and engine installation (5-cylinder models)
2.1.3. Dismantling and assemblage of engines
2.1.4. A head of the block of cylinders, the mechanism timing
+ 2.2. An engine electric equipment
+ 2.3. Carburettors
3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. An exhaust system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets, wheels
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A steering
+ 12. A body, salon
+ 13. A central air
+ 14. An electric equipment
Коленвал and the block of cylinders
The prevention Tighten only динамометрическим a key. Use of a key of "rattle" can lead to breakages.
The block of cylinders in gathering (4-cylinder models)
1. Bolts
2. Loose leaves 1, 2, 4 and 5th radical bearing
Are established in covers 1, 2 and 5th radical bearings without an oil flute, and in a cover of 4th bearing with мясляной a flute
3. A lining
Is subject to obligatory replacement
4. The forward holder of an epiploon
5. An epiploon
6. 20 Н.м.
7. A ring lining
At damage replace
8. 25 Н.м.
9. An epiploon
Take an epiploon from the case a stripper 10-203
Before installation slightly grease working and external edges of an epiploon
10. The epiploon case
11. An intermediate shaft
At first remove the ignition distributor
12. Loose leaves 1, 2, 4 and 5th radical bearing
Are established in bed of the block of cylinders with an oil flute
13. The loose leaf of 3rd radical bearing
The persistent bearing is established in bed of the block of cylinders with an oil flute (the repair bearing has an assembly fillet)
14. A persistent half ring from outside the block of cylinders
15. The loose leaf of 3rd radical bearing
16. The directing bearing
Put greasing on a basis дисульфида molybdenum
17. Коленвал
18. A persistent half ring
Watch correctness of installation
19, 20. Covers of radical bearings
Pay attention to asymmetry of bed of the loose leaf and fixing inflow |
The sizes коленвала (the engine of 1,6 litres)
Diameter шатунных necks (mm)
The standard size |
45,96 – 45,98
The first repair size |
45,71 – 45,73
The second repair size |
45,46 – 45,48
The third repair size |
45,21 – 45,23
The sizes коленвала (the engine of 1,8 litres)
Diameter of radical necks (mm)
Diameter шатунных necks (mm)
The standard size |
53,96 – 53,98
47,76 – 47,78
The first repair size |
53,71 – 53,73
47,51 – 47,53
The second repair size |
53,46 – 53,48
47,26 – 47,28
The third repair size |
53,21 – 53,23
47,01 – 47,03
The sizes коленвала (the engine of 2,0 litres)
Diameter of radical necks (mm)
Diameter шатунных necks (mm)
The standard size |
54,022 – 54,042
47,822 – 47,842
The first repair size |
53,772 – 53,792
47,572 – 47,592
The second repair size |
53,522 – 53,542
47,322 – 47,342
The third repair size |
53,272 – 53,292
47,072 – 47,092
Three repair sizes of bearings with step to 0,25 mm.
Belt of a drive of a cam-shaft, installation
The prevention It is not supposed to turn коленвал and a cam-shaft at the removed gear belt as damages of pistons by heads of valves are possible.
Installation коленвала in position ВМТ is not supposed.
Gear belt of a drive in gathering (4-cylinder models)
1. 45 Н.м.
2. The top cover of a gear belt
3. 20 Н.м.
4. 10 Н.м.
5. Успокоитель
6. Klinoremennaja transfer
7. Klinoremennaja transfer
8. Remote linings
9. A pulley
10. 20 Н.м.
11. Klinoremennaja transfer
12. A pulley
13. 20 Н.м.
14. The bottom cover of a gear belt
15. 10 Н.м.
16. The remote plug
17. A bolt of a leading gear wheel
Tighten with the moment 90 Н.м. Also tighten on 1/4 turns
доворот it is possible to execute in stages replace a bolt
At an inhaling or отворачивании a bolt stop a gear wheel the adaptation 3099
Before installation slightly oil a bolt for the engine |
18. A leading gear wheel of a gear belt
19. An intermediate gear wheel of a gear belt
At belt clothing watch position of an adjusting label
20. 80 Н.м.
21. 20 Н.м.
22. A back cover of a gear belt (bottom)
23. 10 Н.м.
24. A back cover of a gear belt (bottom)
25. A gear belt of a drive of a cam-shaft
26. A roller натяжителя |
1) combine a label on a conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft with a label on a head of the block of cylinders |
2) combine a label on a pulley коленвала (or on успокоителе) with a label on an intermediate gear wheel (it is specified by an arrow) (ВМТ the first cylinder) |
3) dress a belt on a gear wheel коленвала and an intermediate gear wheel |
4) fix a pulley and успокоитель on коленвале four bolts |
5) remember their position |
6) dress a belt on a conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft |
7) adjust a tension of a belt a roller натяжителя, rotating last in a direction specified by an arrow |
8) 45 Н.м. |
9) in the middle between a conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft and an intermediate gear wheel the belt should be overwound on 90 � |
10) tighten a nut натяжителя |
11) turn коленвал twice and again check up a belt tension |
12) remove a pulley коленвала and успокоитель |
13) establish the bottom cover of a belt of a drive of a cam-shaft |
14) establish the top cover of a belt of a drive of a cam-shaft, a pulley клиноременной transfers, успокоитель and клиноременную transfer |
15) check up installation of the moment of ignition, if necessary adjust |
The prevention At replacement of the engine, a head of the block of cylinders, linings of a head of the block, an engine and heater radiator, repeatedly to fill in the merged cooling liquid it is forbidden.
Linings and consolidations are subject to obligatory replacement.
At detection in oil of a metal shaving from deterioration of details of the engine, carefully clear oil channels, replace маслоохладитель and the oil filter. Blocks of cylinders of an incomplete complete set are delivered with the established directing bearing коленвала. At engine installation on model with automatic transmission directing bearing remove. Mutual substitution of the worn out loose leaves is not supposed.
Head of the block of cylinders in gathering
1. A cover of a head of the block
2. Consolidation of a cover of a head of the block (forward)
3. A conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft at belt installation watch correct position of a gear wheel
4. A head of the block of cylinders
5. 25 Н.м.
6. The lining of a head of the block of cylinders the party with marks "OBEN" should be turned towards a block head |
7. An arm натяжителя the generator
8. Consolidation of a cover of a head of the block (back)
9. A cam-shaft cover
10. An intensifying lining
11. Bolts of fastening of a head of the block
12. 10 Н.м.
13. A stopper маслозаливной mouths |
Carter of the engine in gathering
1. 20 Н.м
2. An arm of fastening of the generator
3. The pump of a cooling liquid
4. A bolt with молотообразной a head
5. The oil pallet
6. A lining of the oil pallet
7. 20 Н.м.
8. A lining
9. A lining
Before assemblage grease with structure
AMV 1881 100 02
10. The oil filter
Turn on by means of a special key
Before installation familiarise with the instruction
On the filter case
11. 25 nanometers.
12. Маслоохладитель
13. The gauge of emergency pressure of oil of 25 Nanometers.
14. 20 Н.м.
15. The gauge of emergency pressure of oil
16. A flange of the case of the oil filter
17. An inlet branch pipe of a shirt of cooling of the block of cylinders
18. 20 Н.м
19. A sealing ring
20. 25 Н.м.
21. A plate of fastening of the distributor
22. The ignition distributor
Flywheel in gathering
1. Tighten with the moment 30 Н.м. And
Tighten on 1/4 a turn (on 90 �)
Tighten динамометрическим a key
With стрелочным the indicator. At
Tightening a key "rattle"
Breakage is possible, to tighten on 90 �
It is possible in two stages on 45 �
Replace bolts
Carving of new bolts grease with the structure fixing from отворачивания
2. 10 Н.м.
3. The holder of a back epiploon
4. A lining
5. An intermediate plate
6. A back epiploon
Remove the adaptation 1О-221
Before installation do not grease, as on an epiploon from ремкомплекта greasing already is available
Establish by means of the adaptation which are a part ремкомплекта
7. A flywheel
8. A frictional disk of coupling
At installation it is aligned оправкой 3176
9. An inhaling on a diagonal with the moment 25 Н.м.
10. Press a coupling disk |
Kolenval/a flywheel in gathering
1. 65 Н.м.
2. A cover of radical bearings
The cover 1ого the bearing settles down with сторны a pulley коленвала
Pay attention to the displaced arrangement of bed under the loose leaf of the bearing and inflow of bolts of fastening
3. A tube маслоприемника
4. 10 Н.м.
5. A lock plate
Is subject to obligatory replacement
6. A lining
Is subject to obligatory replacement
7. 10 Н.м.
8. Persistent half rings of covers of radical bearings
Pay attention to orientation of rings
At installation
9. The top loose leaves of radical bearings
Establish together with persistent half rings
10. The bottom loose leaves 1, 2, 3 and 5 radical bearings
11. Persistent half rings of the block of cylinders
12. Коленвал
13. The directing bearing
14. Tighten with the moment 350 Н.м. And
Tighten on 1/4 turns (90о)
15. A flywheel
Before removal put ориентационные
Labels in relation to коленвалу |
16. Lock rings
17. An epiploon
выпрессовывайте with the help
Adaptations 320 3
Before installation slightly grease working and external edges
Establish with the help оправок from the complete set 2080 And
запрессовывайте against the stop оправкой from the complete set 2080 And
18. 10 Н.м.
19. 10 Н.м.
20. Oil the pump
At installation watch correct landing on коленвал
21. A lining
Is subject to obligatory replacement
22. A lining
Is subject to obligatory replacement
23. The holder of a back epiploon
24. An epiploon
Remove by means of the adaptation 2086
At installation do not grease, as from ремкомплекта greasing is put on an epiploon in advance
Establish by means of the adaptation which are a part ремкомплекта
Remove the adaptation and запрессуйте оправкой 2003/1 against the stop
25. 20 Н.м. |
Flywheel, installation
The facet on a washer 1 should be turned towards a plane of installation of a disk of coupling If necessary establish an adjusting lining 2 |
Tighten bolts with the moment 30 Н.м. Also tighten on 1/4 turns (on 90 �)
The prevention Inhaling make динамометрическим a key with стрелочным the indicator. At a tightening a key - "rattle" breakage is possible.
Replace bolts. Carvings of new bolts are in advance greased by the structure fixing from отворачивания
The size and = 30,5–32,1 mm |
Drawing of an adjusting label of a corner of an advancing of ignition
The size and = 14 mm (it is measured on an arch). |
The prevention At replacement of a flywheel / of a leading disk of coupling it is necessary to put an adjusting label of a corner of an advancing of ignition. On a new flywheel there is only label ВМТ (0 degrees).
Removal / installation of a flywheel / of the hydrotransformer
Extraction of the directing bearing
Installation of the directing bearing by means of shock stripper VW 207 or 3176
The facet of the bearing with marks should be turned aside from the engine |
Depth of landing
Forward epiploon коленвала from outside a gear belt
Выпрессовка and запрессовка
1) remove a gear belt |
2) remove a gear wheel of a gear belt (turn on bolts by means of a key 3099) |
3) turn out an internal cartridge of a stripper of an epiploon 2085 on two turns from external (the internal cartridge should act approximately on 3,0 mm), and fix the screw with накаткой
4) for correct orientation of a stripper, screw a cylindrical bolt from the adaptation 3083 in коленвал against the stop |
5) grease a carving head of a stripper of an epiploon, establish a stripper and with the maximum effort push into an epiploon |
6) turn away the screw with накаткой, and rotate an internal cartridge of a stripper to an epiploon exit |
7) clamp a stripper in a vice and get an epiploon flat-nose pliers |
8) slightly grease working and external edges of a new epiploon |
9) dress on a shaft directing plug from the adaptation 3083 and push an epiploon on directing plug |
10) запрессуйте an epiploon against the stop |
11) measure a backlash in a joint of piston rings; insert a ring into the cylinder so that the ring plane settled down at an angle 90 � to a cylinder axis, on distance of 15 mm from the bottom edge of the cylinder |
Backlash in a joint:
– New компрессионных rings – 0,30–0,45 mm;
– New маслосъемных rings – 0,25–0,45 mm;
– A limiting backlash – 1,0 mm.
The piston in gathering (4-cylinder models)
1. Piston rings
Place joints at an angle 120о
The label "top" on a ring is turned aside
The piston bottoms
Establish at the pressed out rings in special pincers
2. A piston finger
Establish and выпрессовывайте with
The help of adaptation VW 222 A
3. A lock ring of a piston finger
4. A bolt of a cover of a rod
5. The block of cylinders
6. The shatunnyj loose leaf
Ledges should coincide completely with dredging in шатунной to a cover the limiting
Axial люфт 0,37 mm
Check up a radial backlash with the help калибровочной a plastic wire a limiting backlash of 0,12 mm
7. An oil atomizer
8. 10 Н.м.
Establish on greasing AMV 1888 100.02
9. Tighten with the moment 30 Н.м. Also tighten strictly on 1/4 turns (on 90 �)
Grease contact surfaces
10. A rod cover
Labels "And" – cylinder number
Labels "In" should be turned aside drive a belt
11. A rod
Replacement only all complete set is supposed
12. The piston
Put labels of installation of the piston and
Cylinder numbers
The arrow on the piston is turned towards a gear belt |
Check of a backlash of piston rings in a piston flute
Backlash of new rings – 0,02–0,05 mm Limiting backlash – 0,15 mm |
Check of the sizes of the piston
Measure diameter on distance about 10,0 mm from a bottom edge of a skirt of the piston, at an angle 90 � to a piston axis The nominal admission – no more than 0,04 mm |
Check of diameter of the cylinder
Execute measurements нутромером on a range of 50-100 mm in three places, in directions And (cross-section) and In (longitudinal) Maximum deviation from nominal diameter – 0,08 mm |
The prevention It is not supposed to spend measurement when the block of cylinders is fixed at the stand by adaptation VW 540 as distortions of results owing to deformations are possible.
Piston identification
The size and = 4,6 mm The size b = 19,3 mm |
Diameters of the piston and the cylinder channel (the engine of 1,6 and 1,8 litres)
The standard
80,98 mm
81,01 mm
1st repair
81,23 mm
81,26 mm
2nd repair
81,48 mm
81,51 mm
Diameters of the piston and the cylinder channel (the engine of 2,0 litres)
The standard
82,48 mm
82,51 mm
1st repair
82,73 mm
82,76 mm
2nd repair
82,98 mm
83,01 mm
Gear belt in gathering (5-cylinder models)
1. 350 Н.м.
2. Ремнь a generator drive
3. Успокоитель
4. 10 Н.м.
5. The bottom cover of a belt of a drive of a cam-shaft
6. 10 Н.м.
7. The top cover of a belt of a drive of a cam-shaft
8. A gear belt of a drive of a cam-shaft
9. 80 H.м.
10. A conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft
At installation of a belt of a drive watch correct orientation of a conducted gear wheel |
11. Remote plugs
12. A cover drive a belt (back)
13. 10 Н.м.
14. 20 Н.м.
15. 20 Н.м.
16. A leading gear wheel of a cam-shaft
17. The pump of a cooling liquid
Turn of the case of the pump regulates a tension of a gear belt
18. A sealing ring
Is subject to obligatory replacement |
The prevention At replacement of the engine, a head of the block of cylinders, linings of a head of the block, an engine and heater radiator, repeatedly to fill in the merged cooling liquid it is forbidden.
Consolidations and linings always replace new.
Head of the block of cylinders in gathering (5-cylinder models)
1. Intensifying поркладка
2. A stopper маслозаливной mouths
3. Consolidation of a cover of a head of the block
4. Segment шпонка
5. A head of the block of cylinders |
6. A lining of a head of the block of cylinders
7. Consolidation of a cover of a head of the block
8. Bolts of fastening of a head of the block
9. A cover of a head of the block
10. 10 Н.м. |
The oil pallet in gathering (5-cylinder models)
1. Oil фипьтр
Turn on a special key familiarise with the instruction on the case
2. The block of cylinders
3. Linings
4. A lock plate
Is subject to obligatory replacement
5. 10 Н.м.
6. The oil pallet
7. Маслоприемник
8. 40 Н.м.
9. An uplotnitepnoe ring
Is subject to obligatory replacement
10. 25 Н.м. |
11. The bottom cover картера couplings
12. 20 Н.м.
13. 10 Н.м.
14. 25 Н.м.
Turn with use of the adaptation 10-201
Tighten in stages on a diagonal
15. Press a coupling disk
Before removal put ориентационную a label
16. A conducted disk of coupling
It is aligned with the help оправки 3176 |
Успокоитель, removal and installation
1) put on carving and bolt surfaces anticorrosive structure AVM 188 001 02 |
2) dress on коленвал with established успокоителем a belt and a gear wheel |
3) stop успокоитель the adaptation 2084 and tighten a bolt успокоителя with the moment 350 Н.м., using the extension piece 2079 and a face key
Gear belt, installation
The prevention At installation успокоителя the gear belt should not be clamped (or is crumpled) between a gear wheel of the oil pump and a conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft.
1) installation of the moment of opening of valves |
2) combine a label on a gear wheel of a cam-shaft with edge of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders (it is specified by an arrow) |
3) turn коленвал in ВМТ;
After engine installation combine label ВМТ "About" with the cast arrow on картере couplings (it is specified by an arrow in drawing) |
4) on the removed engine combine dredging on a pulley with a label on the case of the oil pump (it is specified by an arrow) |
5) turn away bolts of fastening of the pump of a cooling liquid (are specified by arrows);
Establish a drive belt;
Adjust a tension of a belt pump turn in a direction counter-clockwise (it is specified by an arrow);
Tighten bolts of fastening of the pump |
Check of a tension of a belt
The belt tension is considered adjusted if the belt can be overwound on 90 � big and index fingers in the middle between a conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft and the pump of a cooling liquid. |
Repeatedly check up a belt tension Establish a belt cover
Establish the pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
Establish клиноременную generator transfer
The prevention At measurement axial люфта проворачивание коленвала it is not supposed.
Removal and installation коленвала
1) for removal: put a label of position of a flywheel rather коленвала |
2) for installation: tighten bolts of fastening with the moment 350 Н.м. Also tighten on 1/4 turns (90 �) |
3) to tighten on 90 � is possible in two stages on 45 � |
4) replace bolts; carvings of new bolts are in advance greased by the structure fixing from отворачивания |
Выпрессовка the directing bearing
The needle directing bearing выпрессовывайте a stripper |
Коленвал – the sizes Axial люфт:
– New коленвала – 0,07–0,23 mm
– Limiting – 0,25 mm
– The radial backlash – is checked by the calibrated plastic wire
– New коленвала – 0,018–0,058 mm
– Limiting – 0,16 mm
Shatunnye bearings – check
Axial люфт:
– New bearings – 0,05–0,31 mm
– Limiting – 0,4 mm
Radial backlash:
– New bearings – 0,010–0,056 mm
– Limiting – 0,12 mm
The radial backlash is checked by the calibrated plastic wire.
Classification by diameter
Diameter of radical necks
Diameter шатунных necks
The standard
57,958 – 57,978
47,758 – 47,778
1st repair
57,708 – 57,728
47,508 – 47,528
2nd repair
57,458 – 57,478
47,258 – 47,278
3rd repair
57,208 – 57,228
47,008 – 47,028
Backlash measurement in a joint of piston rings
Insert a ring into the cylinder so that the ring plane settled down at an angle 90 � to a cylinder axis, on distance of 15 mm from the bottom edge of the cylinder |
Backlash in a joint: – New компрессионных rings – 0,20–0,40 mm
– New маслосъемных rings – 0,25–0,50 mm
– A limiting backlash of the worn out rings – 1,0 mm
Check of a backlash of piston rings in a piston flute
Backlash new компрессионных rings – 0,02–0,07 mm New маслосъемных rings – 0,02–0,06 mm
Limiting backlash of the worn out rings – 0,15 mm |
The piston / a rod in gathering
1. A piston finger
At dense landing heat up
The piston to temperature 60 � With
Establish and выпрессовывайте
By means of adaptation VW 207C
2. A stolornoe ring of a piston finger
3. A bolt of a cover of a rod
4. The shatunnyj loose leaf
Pay attention to correctness of installation
Ledges should correspond completely to dredging in
шатунной to a cover
5. The block of cylinders
Check of internal diameter of cylinders
6. An oil atomizer for
Piston coolings
7. 10 Н.м.
Establish on greasing
AMV 188 100.02 |
8. Tighten with the moment 30 Н.м. Also tighten on
1/4 turns (on 90 �)
Grease contact surfaces
For measurement of a radial backlash of bearings, tighten with the moment 30 Н.м.
9. A rod
Replacement only all complete set is supposed
In a place "And" number labels are put
Labels "In" должнеы to be turned aside drive a belt
10. A lock ring of a piston finger
11. The piston
Put labels of position of the piston in the cylinder and cylinder numbers
The arrow on the piston is turned aside drive a belt
Piston identification
12. Piston rings
Place joints at an angle 120 �
Backlash check in joints of rings илпюстрируется check of height of a ring
The label "top" on a ring is turned towards the piston bottom |
Check of diameter of the piston
Measure diameter on distance about 10 mm from a bottom edge of a skirt of the piston, at an angle 90 � to a piston axis The nominal admission – no more than 0,04 mm |
Check of diameter of the cylinder
Carry out measurements нутромером on a range of 50-100 mm in three places, in directions And (cross-section) and In (longitudinal) Maximum deviation from nominal diameter of 0,08 mm |
The identification sizes of the piston
The size and = 4,4 mm The size b = 22,2 mm
The prevention The size "and" is measured in a place of the greatest заглубления.
Diameters of the cylinder and the piston
Classification by the size
Diameter of the piston
Diameter of the cylinder
The standard
82,48 mm
82,51 mm
1st repair
82,73 mm
82,76 mm
2nd repair
82,98 mm
83,01 mm
Arrangement of components of a gear belt (Compartment model)
1. The moment of an inhaling 10 Н.м.
2. A cover of a gear belt (top)
3. A gear belt of a drive of a cam-shaft
4. Plugs
5. The moment of an inhaling 65 Н.м.
Tighten and turn on key VW 544
6. A leading gear wheel of a cam-shaft
7. A cover of a gear belt (internal)
8. The moment of an inhaling 350 Н.м.
Tighten and turn on special keys 2079 and 2084
9. The moment of an inhaling 20 Н.м. |
10. Успокоитель
11. The moment of an inhaling 10 Н.м.
12. A cover of a gear belt (bottom)
13. A leading gear wheel of a gear belt
14. A roller натяжителя
The moment of an inhaling 10 Н.м.
15. The moment of an inhaling of a bolt 20 Н.м.
16. The pump of a cooling liquid
17. A ring lining
At repair of engines of earlier release it is recommended to clear a surface прилегания linings, and a ring lining to replace |
The prevention Epiploons, linings and consolidations are subject to obligatory replacement.
Arrangement of components (Compartment model)
1. A stopper маслозаливной mouths
2. A mechanism cover timing
3. A bolt of a head of the block
4. A head of the block of cylinders
5. 65 Н.м.
6. A conducted gear wheel of a cam-shaft
At installation of a gear belt watch correctness of position of a gear wheel
7. A lining of a head of cylinders
8. A cover lining газораспределительного the mechanism
9. A lining
10. A soaking up collector |
Engine components in gathering (Compartment model)
1. The moment of an inhaling 10 Н.м.
2. A tube маслоприемника
At first fastens to the oil pump
3. A lock plate
Is subject to obligatory replacement
4. A lining
5. The moment of an inhaling 65 Н.м.
6. Covers of radical bearings
Cover N1, is from outside a pulley коленвала
Dredging under radical bearings at installation should settle down one after another and to be turned towards a pulley
Pay attention to the displaced arrangement of beds under radical loose leaves
7. Loose leaves 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6th radical bearings
In covers of bearings the lubricant flute is absent
This flute is available in beds of loose leaves of the block of cylinders
Mutual replacement of the fulfilled loose leaves is not supposed
Assembly ledges on loose leaves should coincide with dredging in covers of bearings
8. The directing bearing
9. A persistent half ring of the loose leaves established in covers
These half rings differ an arrangement of a landing tooth |
10. The loose leaf of 4th radical bearing
In covers of bearings the lubricant flute is absent
This flute is available in beds of loose leaves of the block of cylinders
11. A persistent half ring of the loose leaves established in the block of cylinders
These half rings differ an arrangement of a landing tooth
12. Коленвал
13. Tighten with the moment 30 Н.м. Also tighten on 1/4 turns
To tighten on 1/4 turns, it is possible in two stages on 45 �
Replace bolts
Carvings of new bolts are in advance greased by the structure fixing from отворачивания
14. A flywheel
At removal and installation запрессуйте in a flywheel реперный the probe of installation of the moment of ignition
запрессовывайте the adaptation 10-201
15. A back epiploon коленвала
16. The holder of an epiploon коленвала
17. The oil pump
At installation be convinced that the pump shaft has entered into gearing with коленвалом
18. A forward epiploon коленвала
19. The moment of an inhaling 10 Н.м.
20. Lock rings |
The prevention Epiploons, linings and consolidations are subject to obligatory replacement.
At measurement axial люфта to turn коленвал it is forbidden.
Diameters of necks
Classification by the size
Diameter of radical necks
Diameter шатунных necks
The standard
57,958 – 57,978
47,758 – 47,778
1st repair
57,708 – 57,728
47,508 – 47,528
2nd repair
57,458 – 57,478
47,258 – 47,278
3rd repair
57,208 – 57,228
47,008 – 47,028
The piston / a rod in gathering (Compartment model)
1. Piston rings
2. The piston
3. A rod
It is processed together with a cover шатунного the bearing
4. A cover шатунного the bearing
It is processed together with a rod
5. Tighten with the moment 30 Н.м. Also tighten on 1/4 turns (90 �)
Before an inhaling grease contact surfaces
6. A lock ring |
7. A piston finger
At dense landing heat up the piston to 60 � With
Establish with the help приспосбления 2070
8. A bolt of a cover of a rod
9. The block of cylinders
10. The shatunnyj loose leaf
11. An oil atomizer for piston cooling
12. The moment of an inhaling 10 Н.м.
Before заворачиванием grease with fixing structure AMV 188 001 02
13. Pay attention to an arrangement of labels at assemblage |
Removal lock a ring of a piston finger
Hook and take out a ring as is shown in drawing |
Check of the sizes of pistons
Diameter of the piston is measured on distance about 12 mm from a bottom edge of a skirt of the piston, at an angle 90 � to a piston axis The nominal admission – no more than 0,04 mm |
Diameters of the cylinder and the piston
Classification by diameter
Diameter of the piston
Internal diameter of the cylinder
The standard
1st repair
2nd repair
Check of internal diameter of the cylinder
Measurement places: 1 – in 10 mm from a cylinder upper edge
2 – in the middle of the cylinder
3 – in 10 mm from a cylinder bottom edge |
Measurements are carried out нутромером on a range of 50-100 mm in places 1, 2 and 3
Repeat measurements in the same places, but in a direction perpendicular to the previous
Maximum deviation from nominal diameter – 0,08 mm |
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