Audi 80/Avant (B4)

Since 1991-1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/Avant
+ The description
+ Engines
+ System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and воздухозаборные channels
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Antiblocking system of brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ Kuzovnaja electrosystem
+ Ignition system
- Illumination
   Illumination check
   Spare lamps
   Replacement of lamps
   Removal of headlights
   Check of adjustment of headlights
   Antifog headlights
   Independent installation of antifog headlights
   Indexes of turns
   Back lanterns
   Illumination of licence plates
   Other lighting devices
   Illumination of the instrument panel
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications

Replacement of lamps

Lamps of the basic headlight and headlight headlight

On an illustration both covers (6) at model with the 6-cylinder engine are removed to reach lamps of the basic headlight (3) and headlights of a headlight (1). Figures designate further: 2 – the connecting tip for all lamps; 4 – the engine of regulation of an angle of slope of headlights; 5 – a nest of a lamp of a parking light.

Removal of a lamp of the basic headlight (2) models with 4 and 5-cylinder engines after removal of a cover (1) and easings скобы for fastening of a spring (3).

All lamps in headlights act in film from outside a motor compartment. Thus it is necessary to make before replacement of lamps still some works:


  1. Preparation: depending on what engine costs on your car, at first it is necessary to disconnect a rubber earring on the right block headlight, to wring out both fixing хомутика back and to extend upwards an average part of a cap (there where it is, in addition it will be necessary to remove still an air inlet sleeve). On model with the 6-cylinder engine to uncover the storage battery at the left headlight, at model with the 5-cylinder engine a radiator lattice.
  2. On models with 4 and 5-cylinder engines to turn in a motor compartment a cap of headlights on the left (counter-clockwise) and to remove it.
  3. On models with 6-cylinder engines of a lamp of the basic headlight and a headlight headlight are located behind the separate covers fixed wire скобами. To wring out скобу from a groove.
  4. In general it is necessary to notice that some lamps of headlights are rather remote. The one who cannot brag of dexterous fingers, should remove all headlight.
  5. Lamp replacement: to disconnect a wire tip.
  6. To squeeze скобы for fastening of a spring at fastening of a lamp and to cast away them.
  7. To extend a lamp накаливания.
  8. The new lamp of the basic headlight should be inserted so that three contact uvulas formed the letter opened downwards «П».
  9. Lamp of a headlight of a headlight (model with the 6-cylinder engine) to insert so that the socle precisely approached to dredging on a lamp cartridge.

Parking light lamp


  1. Preparation just as it is described in the previous section.
  2. Models with 4 and 5-cylinder engines: to extend a cartridge of a lamp of a parking light from a reflector.
  3. Models with 6-cylinder engines: to weaken a cartridge, having turned it counter-clockwise.
  4. Slightly to press a tiny lamp in a cartridge, to turn counter-clockwise and to take out.

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