1. Remove заглушки channels of cooling of the block for what blow on a small beard drive inside one of the parties заглушки and get заглушку flat-nose pliers. |
2. Cautiously clear the block of the consolidation rests. |
3. Remove covers with loose leaves, designate them and store separately. |
4. Turn out carving заглушки the block of cylinders (or drill, and then banish a carving). |
5. At strong pollution of the block clean all channels a stream of steam and compressed air (it is recommended to carry out in car-care centre), wash out the block outside a washing-up liquid. Banish all carving apertures, clean and blow compressed air. Dry the block and grease веретенным with oil to protect from corrosion. |
6. Banish all carvings of the block of cylinders, having cleared thereby of a dirt. Dry carving apertures to exclude breakage of the block of cylinders at the expense of a hydraulic pressure at заворачивании a bolt. |
7. If the block is not so strongly polluted, it is possible to be limited to washing by a soap solution. Irrespective of a way of clearing very carefully wash out all internal lubricant channels and well dry. Walls of cylinders oil to prevent rust occurrence. |
8. Establish covers of radical bearings, bolts tighten by hand. |
9. Запрессуйте new заглушки without warps, preliminary having greased with their hermetic. Turn on non-drying hermetic new заглушки oil channels. Densely tighten заглушки. |