Audi 80/Avant (B4)

Since 1991-1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/Avant
+ The description
+ Engines
+ System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and воздухозаборные channels
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Antiblocking system of brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ Kuzovnaja electrosystem
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ Signalling devices
- Devices and auxiliary devices
   Check of indicators and signalling devices
   Elements of a combination of devices
   The indicator of quantity of fuel
   The indicator of temperature of a cooling liquid
   Voltage stabilizer
   Additional devices
   The top indicators in a combination of devices
   The indicator of a cooling liquid
   The indicator of brake system
   The indicator of pressure of oil
   Indicators of indexes of turns
   The bottom indicators
   The indicator of a charge of the storage battery
   The indicator of indexes of turn of the trailer
   The indicator of a pillow of safety
   The indicator of antiblocking system
   The headlight indicator
   The indicator of a lay brake
   Self-examination system
   The ignition lock
   Check of switches
   Buzzer of switching-off of illumination and radio
   Cigar Lighter
   Heating of back glass
   Check of screen wipers and windscreen
   The screen wiper engine
   The list of malfunctions
   Screen wiper of back glass
   The list of malfunctions
   Replenishment of a tank of a washer of glasses
   System of washing of headlights
   The aerial of back glass
   Electric regulation of external rear-view mirrors
   System of locks with the central management
   Electric window raiser
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications

The aerial of back glass

At such type of aerials as the aerial on reception СВ two metal conductors in the top of glass act. For VHF reception (FM) other conductors acting simultaneously as wire heating элеметов serve. The antenna amplifier located under a covering of the left back rack, compensates insufficient height of this antenna system.

Behind the left covering of a back rack disappear:

1 – aerial connection on VHF reception (FM);
2 – the general connection of heating of back glass and the aerial on reception СВ;

3 – the aerial amplifier.

The point of "weight" (arrow) for heating of back glass and the aerial of back glass is on the right back rack. On an illustration the rack is shown with the removed covering.

Search of malfunctions of the aerial of back glass


  1. To remove coverings of both back racks.
  2. To check up connection on "weight" of heating of back glass at the right rack; further to check connection on "weight" (case) of the antenna amplifier on its fixing bolt.
  3. Attentively to check up conductors on back glass: whether it is possible to find out visible interruption? If yes to repair by means of a current-carrying silver varnish or to replace this glass with the new.
  4. Now it is necessary to be engaged in electric check: to separate amplifier tips, to measure pressure on on "weight". For this purpose to include radio.
  5. Pressure presence: supply by an amplifier food is perfectly in order. Pressure is absent: to eliminate chain rupture.
  6. In the same wire to measure a current between connection of the amplifier and the removed wire.
  7. The ampermeter should show 30—50 мА, otherwise the antenna amplifier does not receive a food and, accordingly, is faulty – to replace.
  8. Further: to disconnect the bottom wire of heating of back glass, to include ignition and heating of back glass, to measure pressure in a wire.
  9. The wire should be energised the storage battery, wires or the amplifier otherwise are faulty. To narrow a troubleshooting circle.
  10. To disconnect the bottom wire from the amplifier, to measure pressure at the included ignition and heating of back glass:
  11. If the device shows pressure of the storage battery, means, wires are perfectly in order, that is the amplifier is faulty. Otherwise all on the contrary.

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