Audi A3

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi A3
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission and models with a full drive
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
- Electroschemes
   Explanatory remarks to schemes of electric connections
   Designations on electric schemes
   Weight connections (only for the countries c a frigid climate)
   Weight connections
   The storage battery, starter, the generator, the main block of safety locks / the storage battery
   Monitor for Motronic, the relay of the fuel pump, injectors, systems of ignition, the Hall gauge
   Monitor for Motronic, gauges of a detonation, the gauge of number of turns of the engine, the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid
   Monitor for Motronic, the block of management throttle заслонкой
   Monitor for Motronic, the gauge of oxygen, a measuring instrument of weight of air, a regulator of a camshaft, the electromagnetic valve of a purge of an adsorber, the switch inlet the pipeline
   The switch прикуривателя, the unloading relay for contact Х
   Light switch, подрулевой the switch left
   Regulator of illumination of switches and monitors, adjustments of range of light, a screen wiper and a washer, adjustment of range of light (does not concern system Motronic турбодвигателя 1.8 l of 154 kw S3)
   Right подрулевой the switch, a screen wiper and a washer, a cleaner of back glass
   Dimensional fires, stoplights, backing lanterns, foggy lanterns
   The sound signal, warmed back glass, lighter, ashtray illumination
   Box of the safety locks, warmed nozzle of a washer, illumination of a ware box, lantern of illumination of licence plate
   Box of the safety locks, warmed nozzle, illumination of a ware box, lantern of illumination of licence plate
   Box of safety locks
   Box of safety locks, diagnostics tip, radio preparation
   Signals of turn and the alarm system
   Lamps of illumination of a luggage carrier, the switch of contacts of a door
   The block of the panel of devices, the kombi-processor in the block of the panel of devices, the control of a lay brake
   The block of the panel of devices, the kombi-processor in the block of the panel of devices, a tachometre, a speedometer, the index of a reserve of fuel, the fuel pump, the control of a cooling liquid, the relay of pressure of oil, стрелочные hours
   The block of the panel of devices, the kombi-processor in the block of the panel of devices, the gauge of a reserve/level of fuel, control lamps
   The block of the panel of devices, the kombi-processor in the block of the panel of the devices, the reading out coil of anticreeping protection, the gauge of speed of movement, control lamps, the seat belt control
   The fan of a cooling liquid, the fan of fresh air
   The storage battery, starter, the generator, the main block of safety locks / the storage battery
   Monitor for Simos, the relay of the fuel pump, injectors, ignition system, the valve of switching of the inlet pipeline
   Monitor for Simos, the detonation gauge, the gauge of number of turns of the engine, the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid, the Hall gauge
   Monitor for Simos, the block of management throttle заслонкой, the switch of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
   Monitor for Simos, the oxygen gauge, a measuring instrument of weight of air, the electromagnetic valve of system of an adsorber
   The block of the panel of devices, the kombi-processor in the block of the panel of devices, the fuel pump, the gauge of a reserve of fuel, the gauge of speed
   The trailer
   Electric window raiser, 3-door models (with jamming protection), the party of the driver
   Electric window raiser, 3-door models (with jamming protection), the party of the forward passenger
   System of antiblocking of brakes ABS and socket of the block of management
   Control system of the engine of 1.6 l
   Control system of the engine of 1.8 l without турбокомпрессора
   Control system of the engine of 1.8 l with турбокомпрессором


Explanatory remarks to schemes of electric connections


2 Weight strip, check point – a body
10 Weight point in a water modular compartment
11 Weight point in a box of the storage battery
12 Weight point, in an impellent compartment at the left
42 Point of weight about a steering column
43 Weight point, rack And on the right below
45 Point of weight behind the panel of devices, in the centre
49 Point of weight about a steering column at the left
50 Weight point, luggage carrier at the left
85 Connection of weight–1 in a plait of wires of an impellent compartment
98 Weight connection in a plait of wires of a door of a back
128 Connection weights–1, in a plait of wires of internal illumination
162 Weight connection in a plait of wires of the electric motor of the fan
200 Connection weights (shielding), in a plait of wires of an impellent compartment
205 Weight connection, in a plait of wires of a door – the party of the driver
206 Weight connection in a plait of wires of a door – the party of the forward passenger
220 Weight connection, in a plait of wires of the engine
238 Connection weights–1, in a plait of wires of salon
249 Connection weights–2, in a plait of wires of salon
255 Connection weights–1, in a plait of wires of a radio receiver
277 Connection weights–3, in a plait of wires of salon
278 Connection weights–4, in a plait of wires of salon
279 Connection weights–5, in a plait of wires of salon
280 Connection–2, in a plait of wires of an impellent compartment
281 Connection weights–1, in a plait of wires of the engine
283 Connection of weight–2 in a plait of wires of the engine
285 Connection weights–7, in a plait of wires of salon
A The storage battery
A1 Positive connection (30а), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A2 Positive connection-15, in a plait of wires in the panel of devices
A3 Positive connection-58, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A15 Positive connection-15, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A15 Connection (30al), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A18 Connection-54, in a plait of wires in the panel of devices
A21 Positive connection (86s), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A23 Positive connection-15, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A24 Connection (the control of system of braking), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A27 Connection (signal of speed), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A45 Connection (signal of number of turns), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A46 Positive connection (30 – from a radio receiver), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A50 Positive connection (30as), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A51 Connection-56, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A72 Connection-71, a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A76 Connection (diagnostics wire), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A80 Connection–1 (), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A81 Connection–2 (), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A84 Connection (58 L), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A85 Connection (58R), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A86 Connection (50а), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A87 Connection (RF), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A88 Connection (NSL), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A89 Connection-54, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A97 Connection-53, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A98 Positive connection–4 (30а), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A99 Connection-1-87, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A100 Connection-2-87), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A101 Connection-3-87, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A103 Connection-2-56, in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A107 Connection (comfortable closing), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A108 Connection (signal of speed), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A114 Connection (adjustment of range of light), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A121 Connection (High–Bus), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A122 Connection (Low–Bus) in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
A125 Connection (Crash-signal), in a plait of wires of the panel of devices
B Starter
B114 Connection (the blocking switch), in a plait of wires of salon
B115 Positive connection (30а), in a plait of wires of salon
B116 Connection (58d), in a plait of wires of salon
B117 Connection (58а right), in a plait of wires of salon
B126 Connection (87, a monitor window lifterами), in a plait of wires Glass lifts
B131 Positive connection-54, in a plait of wires of salon
B135 Connection (15а), in a plait of wires of salon
B138 Positive connection–1 (), in a plait of wires of salon
B139 Connection (PL), in a plait of wires of salon
B140 Connection (PR), in a plait of wires of salon
B142 Positive connection–2 (56а), in a plait of wires of salon
B143 Positive connection (58R), in a plait of wires of salon
B144 Positive connection (58L), in a plait of wires of salon
B145 Positive connection (58b) in a plait of wires of salon
B147 Positive connection-2-87, in a plait of wires of salon
B149 Positive connection–2 (15а), in a plait of wires of salon
B150 Positive connection-2 (30), in a plait of wires of salon
B152 Connection (BL), in a plait of wires of salon
B153 Connection (BR), in a plait of wires of salon
B154 Connection–1 (ТК), in a plait of wires of salon
B155 Connection–2 (ТК), in a plait of wires of salon
B156 Positive connection–4 (30a), in a plait of wires of salon
B156 Connection–2 (ТК), in a plait of wires of salon
B160 Connection (the control of brake system), in a plait of wires of an elephant
B165 Connection–2, in a plait of wires of salon
B175 Connection (the uniform lock), in a plait of wires of salon
B178 Connection (signal of speed), in a plait of wires of salon
B211 Connection–1 (Climatronic behind), in a plait of wires of salon
C The generator
C1 Pressure regulator
D The ignition switch
D The switch прикуривателя
D Positive connection (87а) in a plait of wires of an impellent compartment
D2 The reading out coil of anticreeping protection
D22 Connection (through a safety lock 234) in a plait of wires in front on the right
D78 Positive connection–1 (30а) in a plait of wires of an impellent compartment
D80 Positive connection (87а), in a plait of wires of an impellent compartment
D140 Connection (injector), in a plait of wires of the engine
D141 Connection (5V), in a plait of wires of the engine
E1 Light switch
E2 The switch of signals of turn
E3 The alarm system switch
E4 The switch of manual blackout and light signal
E9 The switch of the fan of fresh air
E14 Socket the 14-contact, cable channel, in an impellent compartment, at the left
E15 The switch of warmed back glass
E18 The switch of a foggy lantern
E19 The switch of parking light
E20 Regulator of illumination of the switch and the panel of devices
E22 The switch of a screen wiper of an interval mode
E24 The switch of a seat belt of the driver
E34 The switch of a cleaner of back glass
E38 Regulator of interval inclusion of a cleaner
E40 The switch window lifterа, forward left (at doors of the driver)
E41 The switch window lifterа, forward right (at doors of the driver)
E87 The block of management and conditioner indication
E102 Regulator of range of light
E107 The switch window lifterа, forward right (at doors of the forward passenger)
E150 The switch of internal blocking, the party of the driver
E159 The switch заслонки fresh and circulating air
F The switch of stoplights
F1 The relay of pressure of oil
F2 The switch of contact of a door, the party of the driver
F3 The switch of contact of a door, the party of the forward passenger
F4 The switch of lanterns of a backing
F9 The switch of the control of a lay brake
F18 Thermoswitch of the fan of a cooling liquid
F34 Contact of level of a brake liquid
F36 The switch of a pedal of coupling
F54 Thermoswitch of the fan of a cooling liquid
F60 The idling switch
F66 The switch of the index of a cooling liquid
F88 The switch of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
F216 The switch of contact of a disconnected foggy lantern
G The gauge of a reserve of fuel
G1 The index of a reserve of fuel
G2 The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid
G3 The index of temperature of a cooling liquid
G5 Tachometre
G6 The fuel pump
G12 The gauge of a reserve/level of fuel
G14 The voltmeter
G17 The gauge of external temperature
G21 Speedometer
G22 The speedometer gauge (the Hall gauge on a check point)
G22 The speedometer gauge (the gauge of the Hall at a check point)
G220 Monitor Motronic
G28 The gauge of number of turns of the engine
G34 The gauge of deterioration of brakes, the forward left
G39 The oxygen gauge
G40 The Hall gauge
G61 The gauge of a detonation 1
G62 The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid
G66 The gauge of a detonation 2
G69 Potentiometer throttle заслонки
G70 Measuring instrument of weight of air
G88 Potentiometer of a drive throttle заслонки
H Inclusion of a sound signal
H2 Sound signal
H3 Buzzer/gong
H7 Sound signal of low tone
J4 The relay of a signal of double tone
J2 The alarm system relay
J17 The relay of the fuel pump
J30 The relay of a cleaner and washer of back glass
J31 The relay of interval automatics of a cleaner-washer of glass
J59 The unloading relay for contact Х
J104 Monitor ABS with EDS
J124 The control device of lamps, back
J189 Self-diagnostics system
J217 Monitor АТ
J218 The kombi-processor in the block of the panel of devices
J220 Monitor Motronic
J226 The relay of blocking of a starter and backing lantern
J234 Monitor a safety pillow
J293 Monitor of the fan of a cooling liquid
J338 The block of management throttle заслонкой
J361 Monitor for Simos
J446 Help monitor at a parking
K1 Control lamp of a headlight
K2 Control lamp of the generator
K3 Control lamp of pressure of oil
K4 Control lamp of a parking light
K14 Control lamp of a lay brake
K149 Control lamp of impellent electronics
K16 Control lamp of a reserve of fuel
K18 Control lamp of towage of the trailer
K19 Control lamp of a seat belt
K28 Control lamp of temperature of a cooling liquid
K32 Control lamp brake Pads
K37 Control lamp of level of a liquid стеклоомывателя
K47 Control lamp ABS
K65 Control lamp of a signal of turn left
K75 Control lamp of a pillow of safety
K94 Control lamp of a signal of turn right
K102 Control lamp of closing of a door of a back
K117 Control lamp of anticreeping protection
K132 Lamp of refusal of an electric drive of gas
K134 Control lamp of adjustment of level
L1 двухнитевая a lamp of a headlight left
L2 двухнитевая a lamp of a headlight right
L9 Lamp of illumination of the switch of light
L15 Lamp of illumination of an ashtray
L28 Illumination lamp прикуривателя
L40 Illumination lamp – the switch of a foggy lantern
L46 Lamp of a foggy lantern left
L46 Lamp of a foggy lantern left
L47 Lamp of a foggy lantern right
L48 Connection (15а), in a plait of wires of a regulator of a heater (Thermotronic)
L54 Lamp of illumination/regulator of range of light
L66 Connection in a plait of wires of the fan of a heater
M1 Lamp of the left parking light
M2 Lamp of dimensional fire right
M3 Lamp of the right parking light
M4 Lamp of dimensional fire left
M5 Lamp of a signal of turn of the forward left
M6 Lamp of a signal of turn of the back left
M7 Lamp of a signal of turn of the forward right
M8 Lamp of a signal of turn of the back right
M9 Lamp of a stoplight left
M10 Lamp of a stoplight right
M16 Lamp of a lantern of a backing left
M17 Lamp of a lantern of a backing right
M18 Lamp of the lateral repeater left
M19 Lamp of the lateral repeater right
M25 Lamp of highly put stoplight
N The coil of ignition 1
N23 The additional resistor of the fan of fresh air
N30 Injector of the cylinder 1
N31 Injector of the cylinder 2
N32 Injector of the cylinder 3
N33 Injector of the cylinder 4
N79 The resistor (ventilation картера)
N80 The electromagnetic valve of 1 system of an adsorber
N122 Target step of capacity
N128 The coil of ignition 2
N156 The valve of switching of the inlet pipeline
N205 Regulator of 1 camshaft
N206 The additional resistor of the fan of warm air with an overheat safety lock  
P The tip of the coil of ignition  
Q Spark plugs  
R34 Connection-87, in a plait of wires of cables of a door – the party of the driver  
R35 Connection-87, in a plait of wires of cables of a door the party of the forward passenger  
S37 Safety lock window lifterа  
S131 The fuse 1  
S132 The fuse 2  
S133 The fuse 3  
S134 &яыртъ ий a safety lock 4nbsp;
S138 The fuse 5  
S162 1 in a box of safety locks / the storage battery  
S163 2 in a box of safety locks / the storage battery
S164 3 in a box of safety locks / the storage battery
T1a Socket 1-contact, white, in a luggage carrier at the left
T2 Socket 2-contact, in a water modular compartment, on the right
T2a Socket 2-contact, black, behind the panel of devices, sideways on the right
T2c Socket 2-contact, black, at back doors on the right
T2d Socket 2-contact, black, at back doors at the left
T2f Socket 2-contact, in an impellent compartment at the left
T2h Socket 2-contact, in a water modular compartment, on the right
T2p Socket 2-contact, behind the console
T3b Socket 3-contact, dark blue, in an impellent compartment
T3b Socket 3-contact, black, in an impellent compartment
T3c Socket 3-contact, brown, in an impellent compartment
T3d Socket 3-contact, white, in an impellent compartment
T3d Socket 3-contact, grey, in an impellent compartment
T3e Socket 3-contact, black, at the main block of safety locks / the storage battery
T3g Socket 3-contact, at the socket of towage of the trailer
T4 Socket 4-contact, in an impellent compartment on the right
T4c Socket 4-contact, behind the console
T4j Socket 4-contact, headlights left
T4l Socket 4-contact headlights right
T5 Socket 5-contact, the right headlight
T5a Socket 5-contact, yellow, behind facing подрулевого the switch
T5b Socket 5-contact, the left headlight
T6a Socket 6-contact, black, in a luggage carrier at the left
T6b Socket 6-contact, dark blue, in a luggage carrier at the left
T6d Socket 6-contact, brown, behind facing подрулевого the switch
T6m Socket 6-contact, brown, in a water modular compartment
T8 Socket 8-contact, near to a radio receiver
T8b Socket 6-contact, dark blue, in a luggage carrier at the left
T10 Razem10-contact, white, in a water modular compartment
T10b Socket 10-contact, grey, in a water modular compartment
T10d Socket 10-contact, brown, coupling – a beam of a rack And at the left
T10f Socket 10-contact, brown, coupling – a beam of a rack And at the left
T10k Socket 10-contact, orange, in a water modular compartment
T10l Socket 10-contact, red, a beam of coupling a rack And, left
T10m Razem10-contact, red, a beam of coupling a rack And, right
T10n Socket, 10-contact, at doors at the left
T10o Razem10-contact, at doors on the right
T10x Socket 10-contact, orange, in a water modular compartment
T14 Socket the 14-contact, cable channel, in an impellent compartment, at the left
T16 Socket 16-contact, black, in a luggage carrier at the left
T16 Socket 16-contact, black, a shelf of the central console (diagnostics tip)
T17 Socket 17-contact, black behind the panel of devices on the right
T20 Socket 20-contact, black, at the block of the panel of devices
T32 Socket 32-contact, dark blue, at the block of the panel of devices
T32a Socket 32-contact, green at the block of the panel of devices
T32b Socket 32-contact, grey, at the block of the panel of devices
U1 lighter
U10 The socket of towage of the trailer
V The screen wiper electric motor
V2 The fan of fresh air
V5 The pump стеклоомывателя
V7 The fan of a cooling liquid
V12 The electric motor of a cleaner of back glass
V14 The electric motor window lifterа, left
V15 The electric motor window lifterа, right
V48 The electric motor of the left adjustment of range of light
V49 The electric motor of the right adjustment of range of light
V60 задатчик throttle заслонки
V94 The electric motor of the uniform lock with a monitor for a delay of switching-off of lamps of illumination of salon and the anticreeping alarm system
V94 The electric motor of the uniform lock with a monitor for a delay of switching-off of a lamp of internal illumination and the anticreeping alarm system
V154 The installation electric motor заслонки fresh and circulating air
W6 Illumination of a ware box
W9 Illumination of area of feet at the left
W10 Illumination of area of feet on the right
W18 Lamp of illumination of a luggage carrier at the left
W35 Lamp of illumination of a luggage carrier on the right
X Lantern of illumination of licence plate
Y стрелочные hours
Z1 Warmed back glass
Z19 Having warmed the oxygen gauge
Z20 The heating resistor of a nozzle left
Z21 The heating resistor of a nozzle right

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