Тойота 4Раннер
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
- 3. Engines
+ 3.1. 4-cylinder engines
+ 3.2. Engines V6 of 3,0 l (1993-1994) and 3,4 l (since 1995)
- 3.3. Dismantle and engine major repairs
3.3.1. Specifications
+ 3.3.2. Major repairs
3.3.3. Diagnostics of the engine by means of the vacuum gauge
3.3.4. Compression check in engine cylinders
+ 3.3.5. Dismantle of the power unit
+ 3.3.6. A head of cylinders
3.3.7. Valves
3.3.8. Shatunno-piston group
+ 3.3.9. Коленвал
3.3.10. The block of cylinders
3.3.11. Хоннингование cylinders
+ 3.3.12. Rods and pistons
3.3.13. Radical and шатунные bearings
3.3.14. Balansirnye shaft
3.3.15. An assembly order
3.3.16. Piston rings
3.3.17. Start-up of the engine after repair and обкатка
+ 4. Systems of heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Transmission elements
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. A suspension bracket and a steering
+ 10. A body
+ 11. An electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes
Balansirnye shaft (on engines 2,7) are established on both parties of the block of cylinders and have a drive from a separate chain (fig. of the Detail of a forward part of the engine see).
1. Remove натяжитель chains N1, directing, asterisk N1 and a cam-shaft chain. |
2. Fix плунжер натяжителя chains балансирного a shaft by means of the probe (1). |
3. Turn away a bolt and remove успокоитель N2. |
4. Turn away bolts (are specified by arrows) and remove успокоитель N3. |
5. Turn away a nut (it is specified by an arrow) and remove натяжитель chains. |
6. Turn away a bolt and remove a leading gear wheel of the top shaft and a chain.
7. Turn away bolts (are specified by arrows) and remove успокоитель N4. |
Chain and gear wheels |
1. A chain and gear wheels vary in the complete set. The gear wheel is pressed from a shaft. Clear details. |
2. Check up a condition of details. At detection of wear tracks replace. |
3. The chain should be changed after run or at appreciable damages, and also at presence люфта links. |
Balansirnyj shaft |
4. Check up axial люфт a shaft, having displaced it back and having put forward. |
5. Get both shaft. |
6. Carefully check up a condition of shaft (if necessary address in car-care centre). |
The prevention Before installation балансирных shaft it is necessary to establish коленвал, pistons with rods and to expose the piston of 1st cylinder in ВМТ a compression step so that counterbalances балансирных shaft were below.
1. Establish shaft and tighten bolts of covers. |
2. Establish успокоитель. |
3. Establish балансирную a chain, having combined labels (2) on an asterisk коленвала (1) and on a gear wheel балансирного a shaft (3) with distinctive links of a chain. One more distinctive link arrange opposite to the big adjusting label of a leading gear wheel балансирного a shaft. Insert the platen of a leading gear wheel into an aperture in a persistent plate балансирного a shaft. Combine small labels of a leading gear wheel with labels on a gear wheel балансирного a shaft. |
4. Tighten a bolt of a leading gear wheel with the set moment. |
5. Establish успокоитель N3, then успокоитель N2, having tightened bolts. Get from плунжера the probe. |
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