Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf

1987-1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Тойота 4Раннер
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. Transmissions
- 7. Transmission elements
   7.1. Specifications
   + 7.2. Coupling
   + 7.3. Карданный () a shaft () and карданные hinges
   7.4. Back and forward axes
   7.5. The bearing, an epiploon and полуось the back bridge
   7.6. An epiploon of a reducer of the back bridge and a forward axis
   7.7. The back bridge
   7.8. Forward semiaxes
   7.9. Replacement of covers and SHRUS dismantling
   + 7.10. An electromagnetic drive of a forward leading axis (ADD-system)
   7.11. A forward reducer
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. A suspension bracket and a steering
+ 10. A body
+ 11. An electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes

7.8. Forward semiaxes

Semiaxis details

1. Грязеотражатель
2. The SHRUS of type Tulip
3, 10. A lock ring
4. A cover of an internal SHRUS
5. Collars
6. A cover of an external SHRUS
8. Крестовина the SHRUS (Tripod)
9. An external SHRUS with a semiaxis

Removal and installation

1. Lift the car and remove wheels.
2. Merge oil from a forward reducer.
3. Расшплинтуйте also turn away a nave nut (ask the assistant to press on
4. Loosen the полуось in a rotary fist brass оправкой (not steel).
5. Disconnect from a fist сошку.
6. Turn out a fist outside, having turned a wheel, and get полуось at first from a fist, then from a reducer. If necessary displace полуось blows of a rubber hammer.
7. Installation is carried out upside-down.

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