Audi 80/90/Coupe

Since 1986-1991 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/90/Coupe
+ 1.2. Car identification
+ 2. Engines, carburettors
3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. An exhaust system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Transmission
- 9. Suspension brackets, wheels
   9.1.1. Elimination of a resonance / of vibration of a cross-beam (4-cylinder models)
   9.1.2. Change of a design of a forward suspension bracket
   9.1.3. Полуось
   9.1.4. A suspension bracket rack
   9.1.5. SHRUS
   9.1.6. A suspension bracket rack (all-wheel drive models)
   9.1.7. SHRUS (all-wheel drive models)
   + 9.2. A back suspension bracket
   + 9.3. Wheels and tyres
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A steering
+ 12. A body, salon
+ 13. A central air
+ 14. An electric equipment

9.1.4. A suspension bracket rack

Spring / the Shock-absorber / the Bearing of a nave of a wheel – for models with the 4-cylinder engine

1. Fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket, is on sale as the spare part complete with the established ball-bearing
2. A spring cover
3. A washer
4. A cover
5. A grjazezashchitnaja plate
6. A wheel nave
7. 10 Н.м.
8. A lock ring, check up correctness of installation
9. A rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel, do not put greasing on an installation site of the bearing before its installation, do not expand a nest of the spherical hinge in a rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel at removal of the spherical hinge
10. The shock-absorber
It is possible to replace shock-absorbers separately
11. A wound cap,
150 Н.м.
12. A koronchataja nut,
50 Н.м.
Compress a spring before nut removal
13. A rigid emphasis
14. A spring
15. The bearing of a nave of a wheel

Spring / the Shock-absorber – for models with the 5-cylinder engine

1. A spring cover
2. A washer
3. A cover
4. A spring
5. A rigid emphasis
There are various types – usual and specialised for driving on bad roads
6. Fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket
Is on sale as the spare part complete with the established ball-bearing
7. A koronchataja nut, 50 Н.м.
Compress a spring before nut removal
8. A wound cap, 150 Н.м.
9. The shock-absorber
Shock-absorbers it is possible for
To change separately
Merge oil from a rack
The shock-absorber before shock-absorber installation
10. A shock-absorber rack

The bearing of a nave of a wheel / the Rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel / a wheel Nave
1. Заглушка
On cars with ABS in this place the plug for fastening of the gauge of speed is established
2. A lock ring
Observe correctness of installation
3. A wheel nave
4. The bearing of a nave of a wheel
Observe correctness of installation:
The party of the bearing with the big internal diameter should be turned to a lock ring
Always replace with the new bearing as the old bearing collapses at removal
5. 10 Н.м.
6 Grjazezashchitnyj a guard
7. A demountable rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel
Do not put greasing on an installation site of the bearing before its installation
Do not expand a nest of the spherical hinge in a rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel at removal of the spherical hinge
Precisely level a rack of a forward suspension bracket after installation


1) ослабьте bolts of fastening of wheels
2) remove a nut or a bolt of fastening of a nave of a wheel / of a semiaxis (the car should stand thus on the earth)
3) remove a washer
4) remove a wheel
5) remove bolts of fastening of a support of a brake and a support (average arrows)
6) remove a brake disk
7) remove an arm of fastening of a brake hose (the top arrow) and attach a support to a body by means of a wire
8) remove a bolt of fastening of the spherical hinge to a rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel (it is specified by the bottom arrow)
9) remove cross-section draught
10) remove a nut from connecting draught (it is specified by an arrow)
11) wring out by means of the lever the lever of a forward suspension bracket downwards to disconnect the spherical hinge from a rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel

The prevention

At removal of the spherical hinge, turn a steering wheel here and there (to you the help of the second mechanic is required).

12) by means of a stripper remove полуось from a nave

The prevention

At semiaxis removal use only a mechanical or hydraulic stripper. Do not heat up a rack of the bearing of a nave of a wheel as you can damage the bearing.

13) remove a protective plate
14) support a suspension bracket rack from below

15) turn off a nut of fastening of the shock-absorber (it is specified by an arrow) keeping a rod of the piston of the shock-absorber a key with a put on head


The prevention

Шлицы on a semiaxis and a wheel nave should be cleared of oil, greasing and old glue.

1) for cars with a suspension bracket with not folding rack: put glue D6 on external edge шлицов a strip about 5 mm in width then establish полуось
2) tighten a nut of fastening of the shock-absorber, keeping a rod of the piston of the shock-absorber
3) the moment of an inhaling 60 Н.м.

The prevention

Check up work of shock-absorbers, having stretched and having squeezed their hands (thus keep them in vertical position). Resistance of the shock-absorber should be equal and identical on all piston stroke.

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