All cargo, or luggage transport in a luggage carrier or a cargo compartment. Take the measures excluding moving of cargo during driving.
Distribute cargo so that not to break position of the centre of gravity of the car, place cargo as it is possible more close to a forward part of a luggage carrier.
Do not carry superfluous cargo for the purpose of economy of fuel.
Security measures
Do not put a thing so that they appeared above a back of a back seat. Otherwise it is possible съезжание cargo forward at braking.
It is forbidden to transport passengers in luggage carrier or a cargo compartment which for this purpose are not intended, otherwise at failure or sharp braking the passenger can be traumatised.
Have no cargo on the panel behind a back seat, otherwise at failure or sharp braking it is possible травмирование passengers.
Driving with the subjects located over the panel of devices which worsen a field of vision of the driver is not supposed and at sharp dispersal can fall and prevent management. |