Indexes of turns of the trailer |
Blinks at movement with the trailer with periodicity of a blinking of indexes of turn. Does not blink at refusal of one of indexes of turn of the trailer or the car-tractor.
Dimensional or a passing light |
Lights up at inclusion dimensional or a passing light.
Burns at the included headlight of headlights and at inclusion of a light signal.
Blinks at the included index. The fast blinking specifies in malfunction of one of lamps of the index of turns.
Burns at the included ignition if will tighten a lay brake.
If lights up at the released manual lay brake, check up brake action, without creating dangerous situations for other participants of movement.
Burns at the included ignition, if liquid level in hydraulic system of a drive of brakes below norm.
If there is no brake action stop the further movement. Address for the help in the authorised workshop of firm Opel.
If brake action still exists, it is necessary to reach with care to the nearest masterful firm Opel.
Move slowly and providently that in time by means of remained brake action or by means of manual lay brake at any moment confidently to brake. Avoid driving on roads with a bias.
At ignition inclusion lights up for some seconds that testifies to necessity to fasten belts.