1. Carefully to wash out all details in gasoline or solar oil, to wipe and dry. |
2. To examine cams and camshaft necks. If on cams and necks there are developments, teases, deep scratches, cracks etc., replace a camshaft. |
3. To establish a camshaft in a block head, to establish covers of bearings of a camshaft, by the indicator to measure axial люфт a camshaft which should not exceed 0,15 mm. If люфт it is more – a camshaft replace. |
4. To measure diameter of necks of a shaft. Nominal diameter of necks of 26,0 mm, admissible minimum diameter of necks of 25,75 mm. If diameter at least is less than one neck, it is necessary to replace a shaft. |
5. To establish a camshaft on prisms and the indicator to measure palpation on an average neck: maximum permissible palpation of 0,01 mm. If palpation is more, a camshaft replace. |