Audi A3

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi A3
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission and models with a full drive
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   - Forward suspension bracket
      Removal, check and installation of a spherical support
      Removal and installation of an amortisation rack and the case of the wheel bearing
      Dismantling of an amortisation rack/removal and shock-absorber installation / a screw spring
   + Back suspension bracket
   + Steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electroschemes

Dismantling of an amortisation rack/removal and shock-absorber installation / a screw spring


Elements of an amortisation rack


The spring to be under loading, is compressed by the adaptation, Dangerously!

1 – the shock-absorber. Replace only in the complete set
2 – the buffer of a course of compression
3 – a protective casing
4 – a spring screw.
5 – a plate
6 – the bearing persistent
7 – a support of an amortisation rack
8 – a nut, 60 Н•м. After everyone отворачивания replace. Turns away only after compression of a spring by the adaptation.
9 – an aligning cup, 60 Н•м
10 – a nut, 60 Н•м. Self-stopped, necessarily replace.


1. Remove an amortisation rack, address to subsection Removal and installation of an amortisation rack and the case of the wheel bearing.

The spring is under the big effort. To have possibility of removal of the shock-absorber, the spring should be compressed the corresponding adaptation.
Shock-absorber nut it is necessary to turn on only in that case when the spring is compressed by the adaptation!

2. Compress a spring the corresponding adaptation – 1 and boots – 2.


Insert the adaptation into spring coils so that reliably to capture coils and the adaptation could not slip out. The spring is compressed by the big effort, therefore apply only the reliable adaptation. At all do not pull together a spring with a wire. Danger of accident!

3. Turn away a nut of fastening of an amortisation rack, keeping thus from проворачивания a face key of 7 mm. For a nut it is necessary cranked накидной a key. In case of tool application – 3 (AUDI - 3186 or HAZET 2593 21 complete with 2100 07) to a tightening it can be applied usual динамометрический a key.
4. Slowly unload a spring, remove separate details.
5. Check up the shock-absorber, address to subsection shock-absorber Check.
6. If necessary utilise the shock-absorber, address to subsection shock-absorber Recycling.



There are springs of various classes of accuracy. It is necessary to apply only identical marks (colour marks).

1. The new spring is protected from corrosion by a varnish. Before installation of springs check up integrity of a varnish covering and if necessary restore it.
2. Compress a spring the corresponding adaptation and insert into the shock-absorber. Watch that the spring end adjoined to an emphasis of the bottom plate.
3. Collect an amortisation rack according to an illustration Elements of an amortisation rack.
4. Tighten a new nut the moment 60 Н•м, keeping thus a rod a face key of 7 mm.

To establish динамометрический a key, as the tool it is possible to apply AUDI - 3186 or HAZET 2593 21 complete with 2100 07 to deduction from проворачивания.

5. Slowly unload a spring.
6. Establish an amortisation rack, address to subsection Removal and installation of an amortisation rack and the case of the wheel bearing.

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