Audi A3

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi A3
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual box of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission and models with a full drive
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   + Forward suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   - Steering
      Removal and installation of the block of a pillow of safety
      Removal and steering wheel installation
      Removal and installation of steering draught/tip of steering draught
      Removal and installation of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
      Corners of installation of forward wheels
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electroschemes



The reechnyj steering mechanism with draughts

1 – a tip of steering draught
2 – a nut, 50 Н•м
3 – a collar. Necessarily replace
4 – a protective cover. Do not remove after convergence adjustment. Can be replaced only after removal of the steering mechanism (work HUNDRED).
5 – a collar. Necessarily replace
6 – steering draught, 75 Н•м. It can be replaced only after removal of the steering mechanism (work HUNDRED).
7 – a collar with rubber
8 – the returnable pipeline
9 – a nut, 22 Н•м
10 – a collar with a rubber support. In position of installation of the marksman on a collar looks in a movement direction. In the presence of damages to a carving приварной nuts a collar replace.
11 – a thermofilter
12 – a nut, 45 Н•м. Self-stopped, necessarily replace.
13 – a support of a drive of switching. At installation with a thermofilter – 11 it should be aligned on a branch pipe (marksman).
14 – a bolt, 24 Н•м
15 – consolidation
16 – the hydraulic pipeline
17 – a hollow bolt, 45 Н•м. М16 х1.5
18 – a hollow bolt, 40 Н•м. М14 х 1.5
19 – a sealing ring. Necessarily replace
20 – the steering mechanism

The pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel with the holder. Execution with the bottom arrangement

1 – the holder
2 – a bolt, 25 Н•м
3 – a hollow bolt, 30 Н•м
4 – the pressure head pipeline
5 – a sealing ring
6 – a soaking up hose
7 – a collar
8 – the hydraulic booster pump. Before removal it is necessary to fill
Oil. For this purpose pour in oil in soaking up branch pipe of the pump and turn a nave a hand so that oil left from outside pump forcings.
9 – a pulley
10 – the screw with internal шестигранником, 25 Н•м
11 – клиновой a belt
12 – the tension device клинового a belt

The pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel with the holder. Execution with the top arrangement

1 – the holder
2 – a bolt, 25 Н•м
3 – the hydraulic booster pump. Before removal it is necessary to fill with oil. For this purpose pour in oil in soaking up branch pipe of the pump and turn a nave a hand so that oil left from outside pump forcings.
4 – a sealing ring. Necessarily replace.
5 – a hollow bolt, 30 Н•м
6 – the pressure head pipeline
7 – a bolt, 22 Н•м
8 – a pulley
9 – the screw with internal шестигранником, 25 Н•м
10 – клиновой a belt
11 – the tension device клинового a belt

Operating movements of the driver are transferred from a steering wheel through a steering column and the steering mechanism to wheels. A steering column – safety, with adjustment of height within 44 mm and a start (length) within 50 mm.

The effort which is necessary for putting to a steering wheel at its rotation, especially on the standing car, decreases by means of the hydraulic amplifier of a wheel. The wheel hydraulic booster consists of the oil pump, the tank and маслопроводов. The pump is set in motion from the engine through клиновой a belt. The pump sucks in oil from the tank and submits it under pressure to the case of the valve of management. The valve case settles down in the steering mechanism. It is mechanically connected with the steering mechanism and submits oil depending on a steering wheel angle of rotation to a corresponding cavity of the hydrocylinder. Here oil influences the piston with gear рейкой and supports thus wheel moving.

In a steering wheel the safety pillow settles down. It represents the combined air bag which in case of face-to-face collision is inflated and, thus, protects a head of the driver and the top part of a trunk from blow about a steering wheel. At face-to-face blow of corresponding force by means of the management block the small charge in the block of a pillow of safety ignites and gases formed thus inflate an air bag during several milliseconds. This time it is enough for демпфирования a trunk of the driver moving forward. Within several seconds after that the safety pillow is again compressed, since. Gases leave pillow apertures.


Carrying out welding and рихтовочных works on steering elements is not supposed. Self-stopped nuts replace with the new.
Along with a pillow of safety of the driver there is also a pillow of safety of the forward passenger and lateral pillows of safety in front and behind. If on a place of the forward passenger in a direction, the return to movement, the children's seat is established, it is necessary деактивировать a pillow of safety of the forward passenger. This work can be executed only HUNDRED AUDI. Besides, on a door beam, a solar peak or the panel of devices on the right party of the car there should be a corresponding precautionary sign «Seats for the child ahead is not present», differently at the control a traffic police the driver can be fined.

At the equipment of the car a lateral pillow of safety to backs of seats apply only the special upholstery resolved by firm AUDI.

At removal and installation of the block of a pillow of safety

1. Disconnect a negative cable (-) the storage battery at the switched off ignition. Attention: Thereof the information from electronic blocks of memory, as, for example, a radio receiver code is erased. Without a code the radio receiver can be included only the manufacturer or HUNDRED AUDI. Therefore familiarise with materials of subsection Input of a code of a radio receiver.
2. Isolate a negative pole (-) a battery accumulator room to exclude possibility of casual contact.
3. Establish wheels directly.

If the resulted remarks are not observed, at the further operation it can lead to failure of system of a pillow of safety.

Broad-brush observations

– After electric joining of a pillow of safety before connection of the storage battery include ignition, the ignition key in position "Movement".
– At joining of the storage battery the finding in salon of the car of extraneous people is not supposed.
– After removal of a pillow of safety store it so that the soft party specified upward.
– If in work the break becomes, it is impossible to leave a pillow of safety without supervision.
– It is not necessary to assort the block of a pillow of safety. In the presence of malfunction it will be replaced completely. As the pillow contains explosive, it is necessary to store it reliably. Pillow recycling should be spent HUNDRED AUDI.
– A safety pillow check only in conditions HUNDRED. In no event it is impossible to apply a control lamp, the voltmeter or an ohmmeter to pillow check.
– Do not subject a pillow to liquid influence, in particular, greasing or any cleaners.
– If the pillow was dropped on a firm covering, it cannot be applied more

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