Citroen Xantia

Since 1993 of release

Repair and car operation

Citroen Xantia
+ Introduction
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
   + The repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - petrol engines
   + The repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - diesel engines
   - Removal and engine major repairs
      Engine major repairs - the general information
      Removal of the power unit - methods and safety measures
      Removal, partition and installation of the power unit - models with РКПП
      Removal, partition and installation of the power unit - models with AT
      Order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for major repairs carrying out
      Dismantle of a head of cylinders
      Cleaning and check of a condition of a head of cylinders and components клапанного the mechanism
      Assemblage of a head of cylinders
      Removal of shatunno-piston assemblages
      Removal of a cranked shaft
      Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders/kartera of the engine
      Check of a condition of shatunno-piston assemblages
      Check of a condition of a cranked shaft
      Check of a condition of loose leaves radical and шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
      Assembly order of the engine after major repairs performance
      Installation of piston rings
      Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings
      Installation of shatunno-piston groups on the engine and check of working backlashes шатунных bearings
      Initial start of the engine after end of its major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Uniform hydraulic system
+ Brake system
+ Running gear and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes

Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings

Selection of loose leaves

Petrol engines (series XU)

On some engines established on models of early years of release the top and bottom loose leaves of radical bearings of an identical thickness are applied.

On later models the working backlash in radical bearings has been considerably lowered, for what began to use loose leaves of four various dimensional groups. The dimensional group of loose leaves is defined on put on edge of each of them to colour marks. Thus the thickness of the loose leaf increases depending on colour of marks in the order specified in the table resulted more low. It is necessary to pay attention also of the reader to that fact that the top loose leaves are used always the same thickness and the backlash size in bearings is defined in the thickness (dimensional group) only bottom loose leaves.

Engines of 1580 and 1761 sm 3

Colour of marks

Thickness of the loose leaf, mm

The standard
The repair

The top loose leaf

   •  Yellow



The bottom loose leaves

   •  Dark blue (Class)



   •  Black (Class B)



   •  Green (Class C)



   •  Red (Class D)



Engines of 1998 sm 3

Colour of marks

Thickness of the loose leaf, mm

The standard
The repair

The top loose leaf

   •  Yellow


Data is absent

The bottom loose leaves

   •  Dark blue (Class)


Data is absent

   •  Black (Class B)


Data is absent

   •  Green (Class C)


Data is absent

   •  Red (Class D)


Data is absent

On all engines of series XU the top loose leaves of radical bearings easily differ from bottom on the flute provided in them. A surface of the bottom loose leaves always the smooth. At the moment of drawing up of the present Management the data on the repair sizes of loose leaves of radical bearings for engines of 1998 sm 3 were absent, therefore at their selection it is necessary to address to experts of the firm services-centres of company Citroyon.

On the majority of models of last years of release selection of replaceable loose leaves of radical bearings can be made on special marks. The marks containing the information in diameters of beds of bearings are put on a face surface of the block of cylinders. At the same time on a cranked shaft the labels defining a thickness of its necks are provided. If marks are absent, selection of loose leaves can be carried out only by measurement of working backlashes in bearings (see more low).

On the block of cylinders marks are put on the left face wall from outside a disk flywheel/privodnogo. On a cranked shaft - on a cheek of an extreme crank. On the basis of the analysis of the data included in marks selection of replaceable loose leaves of radical bearings is made.

And — the Reference used only on manufacture
In — Designations

Both marks consist of two numbers of the data: the reference used on manufacture and a code, consisting of five letters. The first letter designates dimensional group of the first radical bearing (the flywheel/privodnogo of a disk located from outside), the second - the second, etc. is designated by last letter which the label in the form of an arrow follows dimensional group of the fifth bearing.

Card of a choice of loose leaves of the radical bearings used on petrol engines of series XU

Selection of bearings is carried out as follows: Write out number of dimensional groups of a neck of a cranked shaft and bed in the block for the first bearing and address to the data special подборочной cards (the Card of a choice of loose leaves of the radical bearings used on petrol engines of series XU) see an illustration. Pay attention that a horizontal number of figures/letters from above on a card defines dimensional groups of necks of a cranked shaft, and vertical, - groups of beds in the block. Find a cell of crossing of written out numbers. The letter containing in a given cell will designate demanded dimensional group of the bottom loose leaf of the corresponding radical bearing which installation will provide a demanded working backlash. For example, if the corresponding neck of a cranked shaft is designated by number 6, and bed in the block - letter Н, it is necessary to complete the given bearing with the bottom loose leaf with red marks (Class D).

Operating in a similar manner, define dimensional groups of the bottom loose leaves of the remained radical bearings.

To get replaceable loose leaves is better through the firm services-centres of company Citroyon.

At performance of major repairs of the engine on models of early years of release is better to select replaceable loose leaves from new, equipped with a colour code change. However, it is admissible only in the event that corresponding updating of system of greasing (with piston replacement редукционного the valve, a chain and приводной asterisks of the oil pump is made. If updating of system of greasing is not made, it is necessary to establish the bottom loose leaves of the Class And (Dark blue marks). More detailed information can be received on car repair shops.

Diesel engines (series XUD)

On all diesel models radical bearings are completed with the top and bottom loose leaves of an identical thickness. Company Citroyon lets out both those and others both standard, and the repair sizes.

Definition of a working backlash of radical bearings

Petrol engines (series XU)


1. On models of early years of release pick up the complete set of new top loose leaves, then the complete set of new bottom loose leaves with dark blue marks (see above) if such possibility exists. On later models where the modified radical bearings are already established, check of backlashes in them can be checked up with old loose leaves though it will be impossible to consider result more exhaustively exact (to take better also the new complete set).
2. Wipe backs of the picked up loose leaves and their bed in the block of cylinders and covers of bearings.
3. Enclose loose leaves in the beds, having tracked, that their uvulas have entered into gearing with reciprocal grooves in a block/covers body. At check of old loose leaves track, that they have been established strictly on the former places. Try not to touch working surfaces of loose leaves. Pay attention that in working surfaces of the top loose leaves the flute is provided, - do not mix them with the smooth bottom.
4. Check of size of a working backlash of bearings is made by one of described below methods.
5. The first method, more difficult in view of necessity of application of a micrometer and nutromera/kolumbusa, demands installation of covers of radical bearings (with the enclosed loose leaves) on the block. Tighten bolts of fastening of covers with demanded effort (during check of backlashes of bearings old bolts are used), then nutromerom/kolumbusom measure internal diameter of each of bearings. Now it is necessary to subtract diameters of corresponding radical necks of a cranked shaft from the received results, - the received results will show values of working backlashes in bearings. Compare results of calculations to requirements of Specifications.
6. The second method (more simple and exact) means application of special measuring set Plastigage (Citroёn № OUT 30 4133). The backlash size is defined on degree of flattening of pieces of the soft calibrated wire from a set at сжимании it between loose leaves of covers of radical bearings and shaft necks. Measurement of width of the flattened out pieces of a wire is made on put on packing of a set to a scale.
7. Enclose the top loose leaves of radical bearings in the beds in the block of cylinders, then cautiously lay in the block a cranked shaft. Do not use some any greasing! Shaft necks should be absolutely pure and dry.
8. Cut five pieces of a wire, on length is hardly shorter than radical necks of a cranked shaft and lay them along necks, in parallel an axis of the last.
9. Wipe working surfaces of the bottom loose leaves in covers of bearings and grease with their thin layer silicone компаунда for the purpose of sticking prevention to them of the calibrated wire. Establish covers on the regular places in the engine (be verified with factory marks). Screw old fixing bolts and, watching to breaking integrity of the flattened out pieces of a wire, tighten them with demanded effort (see more low in this section). Do not suppose проворачивания a cranked shaft after laying on it of the calibrated wire.
10. Remove covers, - again try not to destroy the flattened out wire and not to turn a shaft.
11. On a scale put on packing of set Plastigage, define size of a working backlash of bearings on degree of flattening of the calibrated wire, remember that on packing can be put two scales (inch and metric), - do not mix them. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications.
12. If the backlash size essentially differs from demanded, check up, whether the dirt or other extraneous particles has got under a back of the loose leaf. Wipe backs of loose leaves and their bed and repeat check. At repeated negative result check up conformity of loose leaves to diameters of necks of a cranked shaft. If the calibrated wire appears flattened out with one end is inadmissible more than from another, the neck has конусность and is subject проточке.
13. If results of measurements essentially differ from stipulated in Specifications, take advantage of the received data, and also the data about a thickness of loose leaves (see above) for definition of demanded dimensional group of new loose leaves. Remember that working backlashes in bearings are always better for establishing more close to the bottom border of an admissible range adjusted for deterioration.
14. If necessary pick up new loose leaves from other dimensional group and repeat check of workers зажоров in bearings.
15. In summary, having made sure of conformity of sizes of a working backlash of bearings to standard requirements, remove traces of the flattened out wire from shaft necks, cautiously having scratched out their nail or edge of an old credit card.

Diesel engines (series XUD)

Check can be executed on old loose leaves though it will be more preferable to make it with the new complete set. Follow the instructions resulted above.

Definitive installation of a cranked shaft

All engines (XU and XUD)


1. Accurately take a cranked shaft from картера the engine.

2. With the help of pair dabs of dense greasing fix the top half of persistent washers from both parties of bed of the second radical bearing in the block of cylinders, - both washers should be established by flutes маслотоков outside.

3. Enclose loose leaves of radical bearings in the beds in the block of cylinders and covers. At installation of new loose leaves track, that from their surfaces preserving greasing has been completely removed, - wash out loose leaves kerosene, then carefully wipe pure неворсящейся rags. Plentifully grease loose leaves in картере the engine with pure engine oil of a demanded grade.

4. Lay a cranked shaft in the block of cylinders so that necks of the second and third cranks have appeared in positions ВМТ, and the first and the fourth, accordingly, - НМТ. According to instructions Check of a condition of a cranked shaft has undressed, measure its size axial люфта.

5. Grease with impellent oil the bottom loose leaves in covers of bearings. Make sure of correctness of landing of uvulas of loose leaves in reciprocal deepenings in covers.

6. Establish covers of the second and fifth bearings on the regular places (deepenings under uvulas of loose leaves in beds of the block and covers should appear on the one hand. Get fixture (nuts/bolts) and freely tighten it.

7. Grease with hermetic of 1st radical bearing interfaced to a cover a block surface, round apertures under installation of sealing strips.

8. Get uvulas of sealing strips on pins in the basis of a cover of the first bearing and plant strips in the flutes in a cover. Now it is necessary to prepare two thin metal plates (less than 0.25 mm in the thickness) for the purpose of fixing of sealing strips at cover installation.

9. Company Citroyon lets out the special adaptation working like a clamp, however, perfectly for the given purpose will approach also pair of edges old measuring probeа (track that from their edges all agnails and the teases have preliminary been removed, capable to damage rubber of sealants.

10. Grease with impellent oil both parties of metal plates (if use plates) and establish them on sealing strips. Establish a cover of the first radical bearing on the engine and freely screw fixing bolts.

11. By means of flat-nose pliers take plates. Pull plates strictly horizontally.

12. In regular intervals tighten fixture of covers of radical bearings with demanded effort, then a sharp knife cut off acting edges sealing covers of the first bearing so that they acted over an interfaced surface of the block approximately on 1 mm.

13. On models 1580 and 1761 sm 3 screw lateral bolts of fastening of the central radical bearing, - one in a forward part of the block and one in back, - do not forget about sealing washers. Tighten both bolts with demanded effort.
14. Establish a back epiploon of a cranked shaft (the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - petrol engines or the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - diesel engines see).
15. Establish on the places shatunno-piston assemblages (Installation of shatunno-piston groups on the engine and check of working backlashes шатунных bearings see).
16. Establish segment шпонку in a groove of pins of a cranked shaft, then plant on a pin a leading asterisk of the oil pump with the remote plug (if that is provided). Throw an asterisk приводную with a chain.
17. Dry wipe interfaced surfaces of the holder of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft and the block of cylinders. Measure depth of landing of an epiploon, then take it from the nest by means of a screw-driver with a flat sting.
18. Grease with suitable hermetic an interfaced surface of the holder. Make sure available on the places of directing pins and plant the holder on a pin of a cranked shaft, densely having pressed it to the block. Tighten boats of fastening of the holder with demanded effort.
19. Operating according to the instructions stated in sections Repair procedures, not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - petrol engines or the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - diesel engines, establish a new forward epiploon of a cranked shaft.
20. Make sure of correctness of landing on asterisks приводной chains of the oil pump, then establish the oil pump and the pallet картера (the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - petrol engines or the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - diesel engines see).
21. If removed, establish into place a head of cylinders (the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - petrol engines or the Repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - diesel engines see).

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