Subaru Legacy/Outback

1999-2003 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Legasi, Autbek
- Cars Subaru Legacy, Outback
   Identification numbers and information labels
   Acquisition of spare parts
   Technology of service, the tool and the workplace equipment
   Поддомкрачивание and towage
   Start of the engine from the auxiliary power supply
   Automobile химикалии, cleaners, hermetics
   Diagnostics of malfunctions of knots and car systems
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual box and differential
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Acquisition of spare parts

The important role at repair work is played by use of spare parts and the account quality materials intended for your car.

As a whole spare parts can be subdivided on two big groups:

Original spare parts. The given spare parts extend through official representations of the companies-manufacturers of cars, always have original packing and corresponding marks. Thus quality of a detail is guaranteed by manufacturers of the car. In warehouses of official representatives of the company-manufacturer usually there are in assortment all spare parts for the given car. If what or the detail is absent, it in the shortest terms can be put from the central warehouse.

Stereotyped spare parts. Definition "stereotyped" speaks nothing about quality of details. It means only that they are on sale not in firm packing of the company-manufacturer of the car and extend not through official representations of the company. The basic skeleton of the given group is made by the known firms-manufacturers of spare parts delivering to a detail on assembly lines at times at once of several automobile factories. In a kind of high capacity of the manufacture similar firms provide also delivery of spare parts for sale in the free market. Such details have packing and marks of the manufacturer spare parts and at all do not concede on quality to original spare parts at much lower cost (the difference in the price can reach 50 %). However, the assortment is usually a little more modest whereas for free sale try to let out only the most running details using the greatest demand. Many large western dealers spare parts use own packing, buying the big assortment of stereotyped details in large lots is direct at manufacturers and selling them under own trade mark. Stereotyped spare parts, as a rule, extend through independent shops of automobile accessories, automobile repair shops and servicing deports.

It is necessary to give special attention to quality of got spare parts. Try to avoid purchase of absolutely cheap details (in comparison with original and stereotyped known firms) as frequently they do not correspond to norms of quality and safety. If installation second-grade decorative молдинга is capable to affect negatively only appearance of the car use low-standard brake kolodok / the oil filter bears threat of safety of traffic and can be at the bottom of serious damage of the engine. Thus expenses for regenerative repair by time many times over exceed saved at purchase of a cheap detail the sum. Told means that it is necessary to try to use official representations of the company-manufacturer of the car (original parts), or well proved suppliers of stereotyped spare parts.

There is also a possibility of acquisition of the restored details, thus the old, failed element usually surrenders in exchange for the restored. The given approach is most productive at replacement of such difficult, expensive components as knots of the power unit, the generator, a starter, etc. Marked service is given both official representations of the company-manufacturer of the car, and independent suppliers of spare parts and allows to cut down essentially expenses on car repairs. Thus the firm offering the restored unit, usually gives on it almost same guarantee, as on the new.

Identification of spare parts

As already it was mentioned above, the companies-manufacturers of cars, being typical representatives of a batch production, aspire to improve constantly the production, constantly bringing in a design of let out models certain changes and additions. Can happen so that within the limits of one series and one variant of execution of the car some knots and units in insignificant degree will differ from each other, and the spare part intended for a complete set of cars one, for example, of earlier year of release will not approach for others, let out later. In view of told, at acquisition of spare parts it is very important to give to the seller as much as possible full information on the vehicle.

Besides the standard data set, including year of release, body type, a variant of execution of a body, chassis number (number VIN), engine number etc., the seller following data can interest:

a) transmission Type;
b) Type of system of giving of fuel;
c) whether any additional equipment (for example, an additional heater, more powerful generator, the conditioner, etc.) Is established on the car;
d) whether Enters into a model complete set каталитический the converter;
e) the Installation site of a got detail.

If for any reason the documents reflecting listed data, no, it makes sense to consult preliminary experts of representation of the company-manufacturer of the car.

Sometimes, buying this or that запчасть, it is useful to take with itself for comparison an old detail subject to replacement.

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