1. Check up an exhaust system condition, beginning from the engine and finishing terminal section. Check carry out on the cold engine, after not less than 1 hour after a trip. For check is better to raise the car to provide an unimpeded access to all details of system. |
2. Check up presence on exhaust pipes and on фланцевых connections of signs of leak of exhaust gases, strong corrosion and mechanical damages. |
3. Be convinced of reliability of fastening and integrity of all arms and support of exhaust pipes. |
4. Check up a bottom condition, presence of through defeats and the dispersed seams, through which gases can get to salon. |
5. Shake pipes with mufflers. If pipes and mufflers come to contact with details of a suspension bracket or with the body bottom replace fastening details, or at possibility, separate pipes and turn them from each other to provide sufficient distance from other details. |