1. Establish the car on an equal horizontal platform. |
2. Oil level in the engine is checked by means of the index, probe which is in the engine pallet. |
3. Oil level is checked before a trip or after not less than 15 minutes after a stop of the hot engine. |
4. Get probe маслоуказателя and wipe its pure rags. Insert probe back into a tube against the stop, again get probe. Define oil level on edge of an oil film on probeе. If level of oil below the bottom mark L turn away a stopper of a jellied mouth on a cover of a head of cylinders and add fresh oil of the necessary mark to level a little below the top mark F. |
5. Upon termination of insert probe into a tube маслоуказателя and wrap a stopper маслозаливной mouths (it is specified by an arrow). |
6. Always support oil level between two specified labels. At excessive fall of level of oil insufficient greasing of the engine and its exit out of operation is possible. At superfluous refuelling by oil occurs замасливание spark plugs, leaks of oil from under linings and epiploons develop. |
7. Oil is subject to replacement if at carrying out by fingers on probeу (before wiping) firm particles are felt. |