Citroen XantiaSince 1993 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Citroen Xantia + Introduction + The operation manual + Routine maintenance + Engine repair + Systems of cooling, heating - The power supply system and release - The power supply system - petrol models Removal and installation of assemblage of an air cleaner Removal, installation and adjustment of a cable of gas Removal and installation of a pedal of gas Neetilirovannoe fuel - the general information and use rules Systems of injection of fuel - the general information Sbrasyvanie pressure in the power supply system Removal and installation of the fuel pump Removal and installation of the gauge of the expense of fuel Removal and installation of a fuel tank Check of a condition and adjustment of system of injection of fuel Removal and installation of the case of a throttle Removal and installation of components of system Bosch Motronic 5.1 Removal and installation of components of system Magneti-Marelli 8Р Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline Removal and installation of a final collector + The power supply system - diesel models + Systems of decrease in toxicity and release of the fulfilled gases + Engine electric equipment + Coupling + Transmission + Power shafts + Uniform hydraulic system + Brake system + Running gear and steering + Body and salon furnish + Onboard electric equipment + Electric equipment schemes |
Systems of injection of fuel - the general information
System Bosch Motronic MR5.1 (models 1.8 of l with РКПП) The control system of engine Bosch Motronic MR5.1 (the Function chart of system of distributed injection Bosch Motronic МР5.1 see an illustration) is used at a complete set of models 1.8 of l with РКПП. The system which structure includes каталитический the converter of the closed contour and system of catching of fuel evaporations, answers the latest standards of protection of environment. The detailed information on functioning of responsible installation of ignition of a part of system is resulted in the Head an engine Electric equipment. The principle of giving of fuel in the engine is described more low. The fuel pump shipped in a petrol tank carries out fuel giving in a fuel highway of system of injection. The linear fuel filter preventing a contamination of injectors is included in a path of giving of fuel. The pressure of giving of fuel is supervised by the regulator of pressure established in a fuel highway. If pressure in the power supply system rises above a preset value, the regulator provides return of surplus of fuel back in a petrol tank. All four injectors open simultaneously at each turn of a cranked shaft and provide fuel injection in the inlet pipeline.
The electric control system consists from ECU and a set of information gauges: ECU, on the basis of the analysis of the signals arriving from information gauges, defines optimum structure of an air-fuel mix by the current moment time and corrects it by adjustment of duration of opening of injectors of injection. Thus, the mix structure is constantly supervised ECU and all time answers current operating conditions of the engine (warming up, single turns, movement with cruiser speed, acceleration, braking by the engine, etc., etc.). ECU carries out also a complete control over idling turns through the valve of additional air in case of need providing possibility перепускания of soaked up air bypassing a throttle. At closed throttle заслонке ECU operates valve opening, regulating thereby air giving in the inlet pipeline and supporting at demanded level engine turns. Besides the listed functions, ECU exercises administration of functioning of systems of release and catching of fuel evaporations (Systems of decrease in toxicity and release of the fulfilled gases see). The throttle case is equipped by an electric heating element power supplies giving on which also supervises ECU, carrying out heating of the throttle chamber at cold starts and preventing an icing throttle заслонки. Air moves in cylinders through four inlet channels with various cross-section section (consistently increasing). Air giving is regulated throttle заслонкой. The air filter is built in a head of cylinders and its cover simultaneously serves as a head cover (the Scheme of giving of air in the engine see an illustration). Besides a filtration of air the air cleaner serves also as an oil separator for tap картерных gases. In case of infringement of serviceability of functioning of any of information gauges, ECU automatically passes in a mode of the closed contour. The false data thus arriving from the faulty gauge is ignored and instead of them some is used put in memory of the block of management average value of under control parametre. Efficiency of functioning thus, remaining quite adequate, can decrease a little. System transition in a mode of the closed contour is accompanied by inclusion of the control lamp built in in an instrument guard. In the block of memory ECU the corresponding code of malfunction registers. At operation of a control lamp the car at the first possibility should be driven away on a car repair shop where full diagnostics of a control system by the engine with use of the special electronic input reader will be made. The diagnostic socket for input reader connection is located near to the assembly block of safety locks on the panel of devices of the car. System Magneti-Marelli 8Р (l models 1.6, 1.8 l [with АТ] and 2.0 l [except RFY]) The control system of engine Magneti-Marelli 8Р (the Function chart of system of distributed injection Magneti-Marelli 8Р see an illustration) is used on l models 1.6, 1.8 l with АТ and 2.0 l with 8-klapannymi engines. The information on functioning of responsible installation of ignition of a part of system is resulted in the Head an engine Electric equipment. The system by a functioning principle is very close to described above Bosch МР5.1. Unique difference is made by a control system of idling turns. In system Magneti-Marelli ECU exercises administration of turns of idling by means of the special step-by-step motor established on the case of a throttle. The motor is equipped by a pusher supervising degree of opening of the bypass channel, on which air перепускается in the inlet pipeline bypassing the throttle chamber. At closed throttle заслонке ECU exercises administration of air giving in the inlet pipeline by means of the step-by-step motor, providing the control over idling turns. The perepusknoj channel is used also as a source of additional air at cold starts of the engine. System Bosch Motronic MR3.2 (model 2.0 of l RFY) The given system (the Function chart of system of distributed injection Bosch Motronic МР3.2 see an illustration) is used on models 2.0 of l with 16-klapannymi engines (RFY) and in the present Management to detailed consideration is not subject. We will notice only that many components carry out the same functions that the same components of system Magneti-Marelli, taking into account listed below differences. Injection injectors in the distributive pipeline have individual management. Fuel is injected into cylinders by turns through each two turns of a cranked shaft. The regulator of pressure of fuel provides a constant pressure in 3 bar at any modes of operation of the engine. The system of an admission of air 16-klapannyh engines RFY has a special design. We will not go deep in particular functioning of the inlet pipeline, we will specify only that the pipeline consists of two channels of various length and various cross-section section. The given system allows to achieve increase in a twisting moment of the engine at low turns. ECU provides a fuel stopping delivery at movement накатом on turns more low 1280 in a minute and renews a food at excess of the given value. For protection of the engine against overloads fuel injection interrupts at excess by frequency of rotation of the engine of value in 6840 rpm. The gauge of turns is established on a head of cylinders. |
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