1. Establish by means of the assistant a back door into place. |
2. Screw bolts–1, yet without tightening them. |
3. Close a door. |
4. Adjust position of a door by its moving on earlier put marking. Tighten bolts of fastening by the moment 20 Н•м. If the new door is established, it is necessary to adjust its position, address to subsection Adjustment of a door of a back. |
| 5. Establish газонаполненный an emphasis on a spherical support and fix its lock spring. Watch its correct position. Connect an emphasis to a body, address to an illustration. |
6. Join штекерные connections of heating of back glass and a washer. Put on a vacuum hose of the uniform lock and a hose стеклоомывателя. |
7. Check up work of the uniform lock and a washer. |
8. Establish into place facing of a door of a back, address to subsection Removal and installation of facing of a door of a back. |