Removal and installation of the handle of a forward door and the lock cylinder
The handle of a forward door and the lock cylinder
1 – a peak 2 – a lining
3 – the lock cylinder 4 – скоба rotary 5 – the door handle 6 – the screw, 5 Н•м | 7 – a cover of the lock of a door
8 – safety draught. For removal disconnect at an element of a drive–9.
9 – a drive element 10 – safety draught of the cylinder of the lock | The handle of a forward door. Models with number of the chassis since 8L XA 000 001
ATTENTION The handle represented on an illustration is established on cars with number of the chassis since 8L XA 000 001.
1 – a handle support. The lock cylinder belongs to a support and cannot separately act in film. 2 – a lock finger. At installation the stopper should grasp completely шарнирный the lever. | 3 – шарнирный the lever 4 – the door handle | ATTENTION Since chassis number 8L XA 000 01, the lock and the handle of the changed design is put. Removal of the handle of the changed design is considered in subsection Removal and installation of an internal overlay of a wing.
The handle and the lock cylinder can act in film separately. For this purpose it is necessary to follow corresponding instructions.
1. Remove the holder of adjusting elements of a door, address to subsection Removal and installation of a forward door and the holder of adjusting elements. | 2. Disconnect a cover–7 and take out it below from the door lock. | 3. Disconnect safety draught–8 at the handle. | 4. Disconnect safety draught-10 at the cylinder of the lock–3. | 5. Turn скобу–4 downwards (against a movement direction) and take out the lock cylinder. |
6. Turn out the screw–6. |
7. Remove a peak–1. | 8. Remove a lining–2. | 9. Remove from within the handle–5. | | INSTALLATION
1. Establish a peak–1 lined–2. | 2. Establish from within the handle of a door–5 and compress it with an overlay. | 3. Fix the handle the screw–6 at an overlay. | 4. Insert the cylinder of the lock–3 and fix скобой–4. For this purpose establish скобу at the cylinder of the lock and incline forward (in a movement direction). | | 5. Fix шарнирную the plug–2 (if she acted in film) in спускном the lever–1 at the lock cylinder. | 6. Connect lock draught–3 cylinders of the lock with шарнирной the plug–2. | 7. Insert lock draught–3 into a clip–4. | | 8. Insert lock draught–1 into a clip–2 so that the lever–4 had a backlash and = 1 mm. | 9. After backlash adjustment displace the plug–3 at a clip–2 upwards and thus fix lock draught. | 10. Connect lock draught–8 at the handle–5 (address to an illustration the Handle of a forward door and the lock cylinder). | 11. Put from below a cover–7 and fix it from above. | 12. Insert the holder, address to subsection Removal and installation of a forward door and the holder of adjusting elements. | |
Removal of an overlay of the handle
| 1. Pull the handle upwards. | 2. Take out a small screw-driver a lock lath from the handle in a direction of an arrow and take out the handle. | 3. Remove outside a handle peak. | | Models with number of the chassis since 8L XA 000 001 REMOVAL
1. Remove facing of a door and the holder. | 2. Take out a lock finger–2 and lift upwards шарнирный the lever–3. |
3. Release a screw-driver a lath at a support of the handle–1. | 4. Remove a support of the handle and the cylinder of the lock with the handle. | |
Installation is carried out in return sequence. |