1. Remove a ware box, address to subsection Removal and installation of a ware box. |
2. Turn away a screw clip пенопластовой covers (), cast away a cover aside. |
3. Расстыкуйте a socket () the additional resistor. Turn away screws () and remove the holder of the resistor. |
4. Replace the resistor () on the holder. For this purpose засверлите fastenings () or break them. Wring out stoppers (). |
ATTENTION At assemblage the resistor fix саморезами (D) 3.2 х 10 mm.
5. Insert the resistor on the holder and fix саморезами (D) 3.2 х 10 mm. |
6. Fix the resistor, join a resistor socket. |
7. Fix a screw clip пенопластовую a cover. |
8. Establish a ware box, address to subsection Removal and installation of a ware box. |