Subaru Legacy/Outback

1999-2003 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Legasi, Autbek
+ Cars Subaru Legacy, Outback
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
   Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders and tightness of the block
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
   System of greasing of the engine - the general information
   + The procedures of the repair which has been not connected with extraction of the engine from the car, - four-cylinder engines
   + The procedures of the repair which has been not connected with extraction of the engine from the car, - six-cylinder engines
   - The general and major repairs of engines
      Removal of the power unit from the car - performance and safety measure methods
      Removal and installation of the power unit - an order of performance of procedure
      Alternative variants of schemes of regenerative repair of the engine
      Order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for major repairs
      Service of a head of cylinders
      Dismantling of the block of cylinders
      Service of shatunno-piston assemblages
      Service of the block of cylinders
      Assemblage of the block of cylinders
      Trial start and обкатка the engine after major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual box and differential
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Service of a head of cylinders

Design of a head of cylinders of 4-cylinder engines

1 — Final valves
2 — Inlet valves
3 — Directing plugs of valves
4 — Saddles клапанных springs
5 — Maslootrazhatelnye caps of inlet valves

6 — Klapannye of a spring
7 — Plates клапанных springs
8 — Crackers of cutting locks
9 — Maslootrazhatelnye caps of final valves

Design of a head of cylinders of 6-cylinder engines

1 — Final valves
2 — Inlet valves
3 — Directing plugs of inlet valves
4 — Saddles клапанных springs
5 — Maslootrazhatelnye caps of inlet valves
6 — Klapannye of a spring
7 — Plates клапанных springs

8 — Crackers of cutting locks
9 — Pushers of valves
10 — Adjusting washers
11 — Directing plugs of final valves
12 — Maslootrazhatelnye caps of final valves
13 — Zaglushki
14 — the Head of cylinders

Components of assemblage of a head of cylinders

1 — the Valve
2 — Directing a valve core
3 — the Support клапанной springs
4 — Maslootrazhatelnyj a cap
5 — Klapannaja a spring
6 — the Stopper
7 — Crackers of the cutting lock

8 — spark plug Consolidation
9 — the Camshaft
10 — the Epiploon
11 — Zaglushka
12 — the Cover of a head of cylinders
13 — Assemblage коромысел

Installation details клапанных components

1 — a valve Saddle
2 — Klapannaja a spring

3 — a spring Plate
4 — the Painted surface


The 4-cylinder engine


1. The design of a head of cylinders of 4-cylinder engines is presented on an illustration.
2. Establish a head of cylinders on stand ST 498267800 (see Has undressed the Order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for major repairs).

3. By means of the special adaptation (ST 799718000) compress a spring of the first of valves and take crackers of the cutting lock. Remove a plate, a spring and a spring saddle, then take the valve. Operating in a similar manner, remove all клапанные assemblages, - try not to damage working edges маслоотражательных caps. The removed components put in the organised order in in appropriate way the inscribed capacities (for example, small polyethylene packages).

The 6-cylinder engine


1. The design of a head of cylinders of 6-cylinder engines is presented on an illustration.
2. Establish a head of cylinders on stand ST 18250AA00.
3. Remove adjusting washers and pushers of valves.

4. By means of special adaptation ST 499718000 serially wring out клапанные springs and take crackers of cutting locks. Take valves and клапанные springs, - try not to damage working edges маслоотражательных caps. With a view of simplification of the subsequent assemblage, removed components should be put in the organised order, - take advantage of appropriate amount the marked small polyethylene packages or in other capacities.

Cleaning of a head of cylinders


1. Careful clearing of a head of cylinders and components клапанного the mechanism with the subsequent detailed check of their condition will help to define approximate volume of a forthcoming recovery work.

 Strong overheats of the engine can lead to deformation of a head of cylinders and infringement of planeness of its interfaced surfaces.

2. Scratch out from interfaced surfaces of a head of cylinders, the inlet pipeline and a final collector all traces of a material of an old lining and hermetic - try not to damage a surface. Will essentially facilitate work application special размягчителя to which should impregnate stuck adjournment preliminary.
3. Remove from walls of water channels all traces of a scum.
4. A rigid wire brush carefully clean all accessible cavities and apertures. At strong pollution of channels it is necessary to charge head procleaning to experts.
5. "Banish" a tap approaching on the size each of болтовых apertures, having removed from a carving corrosion products, traces of old hermetic and having restored the damaged coils. In the presence of access to a source of compressed air, blow apertures, having removed from them a shaving and small dust.

 At use of compressed air do not forget to put on goggles!

6. A wire brush smooth out a carving of hairpins of fastening of the inlet pipeline and a final collector.
7. Wash out a head solvent and carefully dry it. Use of compressed air will allow to reduce essentially term of drying and will give the quality assurance of procleaning of badly accessible cavities and apertures.

 For removal of traces of the deposit, procedures of cleaning essentially facilitating performance, it is possible to get any structures in many shops of automobile accessories. Remember that such means usually are chemically aggressive and should be applied with observance of corresponding safety measures, - strictly adhere to instructions of the manufacturers usually resulted on a label of container.

8. On models 2.0 and 2.5 l wash out solvent коромысла a drive of valves, then carefully dry them. Use of compressed air will essentially facilitate procedure performance (do not forget to put on goggles).
9. Wash out in solvent and carefully dry клапанные springs, their plates and crackers of cutting locks. Try not to mix components.
10. Scratch out a great bulk of the valves of adjournment generated on surfaces, then a wire nozzle to an electrodrill definitively smooth out surfaces of cores and plates of valves - watch, that valves have not appeared are mixed.
11. On l models 3.0 take and carefully clean hydraulic pushers and adjusting washers.
12. Put the cleared components in the organised order.

Check of a condition and service of components

The 4-cylinder engine

Klapannye springs


1. Check up клапанные springs on presence of mechanical damages.
2. Measure length of springs in a free condition and under loading. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. The defective and given springs replace.
3. For check торцовки its springs should be established vertically on a flat surface and to measure size of a deviation from a vertical by means of a square. Springs with infringement торцовки also are subject to replacement.

Maslootrazhatelnye caps


1. Replacement маслоотражательных caps is made at deterioration of their working edges, at displacement or loss распорных springs, and also after restoration of working surfaces of valves and replacement of directing plugs.
2. Landing of new caps to acting parts of directing plugs is made by means of special оправки ST 498857100 after preliminary greasing by their pure impellent oil.

 Caps of inlet and final valves differ on a standard size and can be identified on colour marks. So, the rubber basis of caps of inlet valves has black colour, final - brown. The spring part of all caps is painted in silvery colour. It is not supposed to make at all landing of caps by застукивания!

Moulding of a head of cylinders


1. Check up head moulding on presence of cracks, cavities and other damages.

2. By means of a planeness measuring instrument (the steel ruler put on an edge) and probeа лезвийного type define size неплоскостности an interfaced surface of a head of cylinders. If the result of measurement exceeds limiting admissible value (Specifications see), it is necessary to give a head in проточку.

 Remember that the development reason неплоскостности an interfaced surface non-uniformity of a tightening of bolts of fastening of a head can be!

A — a planeness Measuring instrument (a steel ruler)
B — ShChup лезвийного type

Saddles of valves


Estimate a condition of facets клапанных saddles. In case of need make restoration of working surfaces by проточки, or processings of facets by a grinding stone.

 At replacement of directing plugs of valves processing of facets is made without fail. Geometrical parametres of saddles of valves are shown on an illustration, compare actual characteristics to requirements of Specifications, in case of need make corresponding regenerative repair.

Directing plugs of valves


1. Define size of a backlash of landing of the valve in the directing plug. The backlash can be calculated by subtraction of external diameter of a core of the valve from internal diameter of the plug, - measurements make by means of a micrometer.
2. At an exit of results of measurements for limits of an admissible range (Specifications see) plugs are subject to replacement.

3. Develop a head combustion chambers upwards and establish it on special stand ST1 498267800 so that directing plugs have got to apertures in it. Plugs выпрессовываются from a head by means of adaptation ST2 499767200.

4. Turn a head an interfaced surface downwards and establish the calibrated terminator of size выступания plugs ST 499767700 (for plugs of inlet valves)/ST 499767800 (for plugs of final valves). Make sure of absence of cracks in walls of nests under landing of plugs.

A — the Directing plug of the valve

5. Preliminary having greased with pure impellent oil, enclose the new directing plug in оправку the special tool. Fill a core of the tool in the plug and запрессуйте last заподлицо with a face surface of the terminator. Make sure that the size выступания the new plug does not fall outside the limits an admissible range (Specifications see).
6. By means of development ST 499767400 develop an aperture of the directing plug, - cautiously rotating the development greased with impellent oil clockwise and slightly pressing, enter it in the plug. At development extraction it is necessary to continue to rotate it in a former direction (clockwise). Having finished working out, remove from shaving plugs. If during plug working out its internal surface remains shining and there is no shaving, replace development or make its editing.

 If on an internal surface of the directing plug there are teases, they can be removed by means of grinding бруска.

7. In summary once again check up the form of working facets of saddles of valves.

Inlet and final valves


1. Attentively examine plates and cores of valves. In case of revealing of defects, deformations or deterioration replace the valve.

2. The valve also is subject to replacement if width of a cylindrical part of its plate, - the corbel, - appears below the limiting admissible value stipulated in Specifications.

Н — the Corbel

3. If valves are in a satisfactory condition, it is necessary to make their grinding in to the saddles. Grinding in is carried out with application of special abrasive paste. Also it is made before occurrence on a surface of a facet of an equal continuous ring of matte colouring.
4. Having finished grinding in, carefully remove all traces of an abrasive and establish new маслоотражательные caps.

 After grinding in each valve appears "is adhered" to a concrete saddle!

The 6-cylinder engine


1. Check of a condition and service клапанных springs, маслоотражательных caps, moulding of a head of cylinders, saddles and directing plugs of valves, and also valves on 6-cylinder engines is made to similarly corresponding procedures described above for 4-cylinder engines taking into account listed below differences.
2. Directing plugs выпрессовываются from a head by means of special adaptation ST 499765700. For all valves the calibrated terminator of size выступания plugs ST 18251AA000 is used. Working out of apertures of directing plugs is made by means of development ST 499765900.

Pushers of valves


1. Attentively examine pushers of valves.
2. Measure external diameter of a pusher and internal diameter of a nest under its landing in a head of cylinders.
3. Define size of a backlash of landing of a pusher of the valve in a nest and compare results of calculations to admissible values (Specifications see), - at their exit for limits of an admissible range a head are subject to replacement.


The 4-cylinder engine


1. Components of assemblage of a head of cylinders are presented on an illustration.
2. Establish a head of cylinders on assembly stand ST 498267800.
3. Grease cores with pure oil and establish valves in their directing plugs, - try not to damage working edges маслоотражательных caps.
4. Establish клапанные springs with plates.

 Springs are established by the party with the reduced step of coils downwards (to a head), and the painted end upwards (to a plate)!

5. By means of special adaptation ST 499718000 serially compress клапанные springs and establish crackers of cutting locks. After installation slightly knock with a wooden hammer on клапанным to springs for their best landing.

The 6-cylinder engine


1. Head assemblage also is made at stand ST 18250AA000.
2. Greasing cores with pure impellent oil, also establish valves in the directing plugs, - try not to damage working edges маслоотражательных caps.
3. Establish клапанные springs with plates.

 Springs are established by the party with the reduced step of coils downwards (to a head), and the painted end upwards.

4. By means of special adaptation ST 499718000 serially compress клапанные springs and establish crackers of cutting locks. After installation slightly knock клапанные assemblages by a hammer with soft brisk on purpose усадки components.
5. Grease and establish adjusting washers and pushers of valves.

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