1. Assemblage of back differential of VA-type is made similarly to assemblage of differential of T-type taking into account listed below differences. 2. Запрессовка holders of bearings in картер differential it is made by means of handle ST1 398477701 and выколотки ST2 398477702 (the back bearing)/ST2 39847110 (the forward bearing). 3. Installation adjusting linings and washers, and also a cone of the forward bearing, a connecting flange, a washer and самоконтрящейся nuts is made by means of false shaft ST1 498447150 and plugs ST2 32285AA000. 4. At a tightening of a nut of a leading gear wheel the false shaft is blocked by means of stopper ST1 398507704. 5. The list of prorates and washers of adjustment of a pretightness of forward and back bearings is presented more low. The list of let out prorates and washers of adjustment of a pretightness of forward and back bearings of back differential of VA-type
Washer |
№ details |
Thickness, mm |
38336AA000 |
1.500 |
38336AA120 |
1.513 |
38336AA010 |
1.525 |
38336AA130 |
1.538 |
38336AA020 |
1.550 |
38336AA140 |
1.563 |
38336AA030 |
1.575 |
38336AA150 |
1.588 |
38336AA040 |
1.600 |
38336AA160 |
1.613 |
38336AA050 |
1.625 |
38336AA170 |
1.638 |
38336AA060 |
1.650 |
38336AA180 |
1.663 |
38336AA070 |
1.675 |
38336AA190 |
1.688 |
38336AA080 |
1.700 |
38336AA200 |
1.713 |
38336AA090 |
1.725 |
38336AA210 |
1.738 |
38336AA100 |
1.750 |
38336AA220 |
1.763 |
38336AA110 |
1.755 |
The prorate |
Part № |
Thickness, mm |
32288AA040 |
52.3 |
32288AA050 |
52.5 |
32288AA100 |
52.6 |
32288AA060 |
52.7 |
32288AA110 |
52.8 |
32288AA070 |
52.9 |
32288AA120 |
53.0 |
32288AA080 |
53.1 |
32288AA090 |
53.3 |
6. At adjustment of height of a leading gear wheel are used false shaft ST1 498447150 and plug ST2 3228AA000, and also a measuring instrument картера ST3 498505501. 7. The demanded thickness of washers of adjustment of height приводной gear wheels (address to the table) is calculated under formula T = T0 + N – 0.05.
Can be if necessary used to three washers. |
The list of let out washers of adjustment of height of a leading gear wheel (VA-type differential)
№ details |
Thickness, mm |
32295AA200 |
1.150 |
32295AA210 |
1.175 |
32295AA220 |
1.200 |
32295AA230 |
1.225 |
32295AA240 |
1.250 |
32295AA250 |
1.275 |
8. Запрессовка a cone of the back bearing it is made with the help оправки ST 498175500. 9. Запрессовка a cone of the forward bearing in картер differential it is made by means of special false plug ST1 32285AA000, cargo ST2 399780104 and оправки ST3 899580100. 10. The list of persistent washers of adjustment люфта gearings of lateral gear wheels is presented more low.
The list of persistent washers of adjustment люфта gearings of lateral gear wheels (VA-type differential)
Part № |
Thickness, mm |
803135011 |
0.925 |
803135012 |
0.950 |
803135013 |
0.975 |
803135014 |
1.000 |
803135015 |
1.025 |
11. Запрессовка cones of lateral bearings in a differential box it is made with the help выколотки ST 498485400. 12. After запрессовки cones collect holders of lateral bearings:
a) With the help оправки ST 498447100 fill in the right and left holders NEW epiploons; b) With the help оправки ST 398477702 plant in the right and left holders of a holder of bearings; c) Installation of a box of differential in картер is made in an order, the return to a removal order. 19 Adjust люфт gearings корончатой both the leader of gear wheels and a pretightness of bearings. a) By means of key ST 498427200 develop a leading gear wheel for усадки lateral bearings; b) By means of key ST 399780111 screw the left holder to its easy emphasis in a key; c) Develop the left holder back approximately on 1.5 teeth, then tighten it on 2 teeth; d) Temporarily establish a lock plate so that the holder could move on 0.5 teeth; e) Measure люфт gearings of gear wheels. In case of need anew adjust люфт and a pretightness of bearings. 13. Achieve combination of adjusting labels on картере back differential and on holders then temporarily remove the holder. Grease and establish on the place a sealing ring, then screw and tighten bolts of fastening of lock plates with demanded effort (25 Nanometers). 14. The further assemblage of back differential is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of components. 15. Check of back differential of VA-type is made similarly to check of differential of T-type. |