Citroen Xantia
+ Introduction
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
- The repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - petrol engines
Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders
Fixing cranked / distributive shaft for the purpose of prevention casual in the course of performance of procedures of service of the car
Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
Removal and installation of a pulley of a cranked shaft
Removal and installation of covers газораспределительного a belt
Belt of drive ГРМ - the general information, removal and installation
Removal, check of a condition and installation натяжителя and cogwheels газораспределительного a belt
Epiploon replacement (ов) a camshaft
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers of valves
Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes
Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
Removal and pallet installation картера the engine
Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump
Removal and installation маслоохладителя (models 2.0)
Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk
Check of a condition and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
+ The repair procedures which are not demanding extraction of the engine from the car - diesel engines
+ Removal and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Uniform hydraulic system
+ Brake system
+ Running gear and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes
клапанных backlashes it is impossible to overestimate importance of correctness of installation in view of that influence which it renders on efficiency of return and engine service life. Nevertheless, the given check is not included into number of procedures of routine maintenance of the car and should be made only at occurrence of excessive level of the noise published клапанным by the mechanism, and also in case of falling of capacity developed by the engine. Check is spent on the cold engine.
1. Cock a lay brake, then поддомкратьте redock of the car and establish it on props. Remove the right forward wheel.
2. Working in front under the car, release clamps, turn out fixing bolts and remove a plastic cover with подзора a wing for the purpose of providing of access to a bolt of a cogwheel of a cranked shaft. In case of need, for maintenance большего free space, liberate hoses of system of cooling from clamps on the arm.
3. Now the engine can be turned for a bolt of a pulley of a cranked shaft by means of a suitable face key with a collar.
4. Uncover heads of cylinders (Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders see). |
5. On a sheet of paper outline the scheme of an arrangement of cylinders, having numbered them in a corresponding order (considering as the first what is located from the party of the engine turned to transmission). Specify sites of each of valves with reduction of demanded value of size of a working backlash (item 10 see). Over a designation of each of valves spend two lines for the purpose of drawing on them of really taking place backlash (1) and sizes of necessary updating (2).
I — the Inlet valve
Е — the Final valve
1 — the Measured backlash
2 — the Difference between 1 and 3
3 — the Nominal backlash
4 — the Thickness of an original adjusting washer
5 — the Thickness of required new adjusting washer |
6. Turn a cranked shaft so that the inlet valve of the first cylinder has appeared completely is closed. The corresponding cam of a camshaft thus should be developed by a working ledge from a pusher.
7. Щупом лезвийного type measure size of the backlash which is taking place between the basis of a cam and a face surface of a pusher. Write down result of measurement over line (1) over a designation of the corresponding valve on the scheme. |
8. Repeat measurement for the remained seven valves, consistently turning a cranked shaft for the purpose of their reduction in the closed position (item 7 see). Put results of measurements on the scheme.
9. Now define a difference between result of measurement and rating value of a working backlash for each of valves. Results of calculations put on the scheme over line (2) over a designation of corresponding valves. As rating values of working backlashes for inlet and final valves are various, try not to admit mess. The sequence of an arrangement of valves from both parties of the engine is identical and has the following order:
Final - Inlet - Inlet - Final - Final - Inlet - Inlet - Final
10. If all backlashes lie within admissible ranges, establish into place a cover of a head of cylinders (Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders see). Restore initial connection of hoses and return into place a plastic cover of access. Establish the right forward wheel, then lower the car on the earth and tighten bolts of fastening of a wheel with demanded effort.
11. In case of revealing of inadmissible deviations it is necessary to make updating клапанных backlashes (see further) |
1. Remove a camshaft (Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers of valves see). |
2. Take from the nest in a head the first pusher and remove from an end face of a core of the valve an adjusting washer. Remember that the washer can подлипнуть to a pusher, - try not to drop it in the course of extraction of the last. Dry wipe a washer, completely having removed from it oil traces. |
3. Then a micrometer measure a thickness. Usually the thickness of a washer is put on its surface, however marks can not represent the facts owing to deterioration of metal. |
4. If the backlash measured for the given valve exceeds admissible value, it is necessary to pick up a washer большей thickness on the size put on the scheme for the given valve over line (2). If the backlash size, on the contrary, is excessively small, the thickness of a washer should be accordingly reduced.
5. Spend under a designation of each of valves on the scheme three more lines. Over a line (4) inscribe result of measurement of a thickness of the removed washer. Add to it (or subtract from it) the size inscribed over line (2) and write down result of calculation over line (5).
I — the Inlet valve
Е — the Final valve
1 — the Measured backlash
2 — the Difference between 1 and 3
3 — the Nominal backlash
4 — the Thickness of an original adjusting washer
5 — the Thickness of required new adjusting washer |
6. Washers are issued with a thickness in a range from 2.225 mm to 3.550 mm with step to 0.025 mm. Before installation the new washer should be wiped carefully.
7. Repeat the procedure described in subitem 2-4 for remained valves. Try not to mix pushers.
8. Before installation grease adjusting washers with pure impellent oil and establish them on end faces of cores of corresponding valves marks downwards. Afterwards behind each of washers establish a pusher with which also it is necessary to grease preliminary. After installation the pusher any more should not be taken from a head as it can lead to washer loss.
9. Having finished installation of components, return into place a camshaft (Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers of valves see). Before installation of a cover of a head of cylinders once again check up клапанные backlashes. |
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