Brake tubes are applied to transfer of a brake liquid from the main brake cylinder to wheel brake cylinders. Connections of tubes with brake cylinders and switching centres are made конусными муфтами. The ends of tubes are pressed out and have the cone-shaped form for the corresponding size конусных carving apertures in brake cylinders or switching centres.
Before обжатием the ends of tubes the lock nut which after ввинчивания a cone-shaped surface in конусное the basis of a carving aperture presses and герметизирует a tube is put on them.
Brake hoses carry out mobile communications between mobile and motionless parts of the car. For reduction of losses of a brake liquid at removal of working brake cylinders clips for пережатия brake hoses are used.
The prevention At installation of a new brake tube or a brake hose be convinced that they are densely fixed in arms and are on sufficient distance from moving or heating up details.
Upon termination of installation check up level of a brake liquid in the main brake cylinder and add it if necessary. Remove air from brake system and cautiously check up work of brakes before beginning car operation.