1. If teeths of a gear wreath of a flywheel are worn strongly out or выкрошены it is necessary to replace a gear wreath of a flywheel. |
2. Ножовкой make has spent on drink between two teeths of a gear wreath of a flywheel and, using a hammer and выколотку, in regular intervals on perimetre bring down a gear wreath from a flywheel. |
3. Heat up a new gear wreath to temperature 200 ° With and quickly establish it on a flywheel so that the cut off part of teeths has been turned to a transmission. |
4. If the surface of a flywheel contacting to a disk of coupling, is worn strongly out or has a considerable quantity of the small cracks caused by an overheat, it is necessary перешлифовать a flywheel. |