1. If the carburettor is removed from the car, rotate draught заслонки sideways the carburettor against the stop the lever in the terminator and full closing air заслонки. |
2. In this position of draught it is possible to insert a shaft of a drill in diameter equal to a backlash of the valve of fast idling, between throttle заслонкой and диффузором the carburettor. |
3. For adjustment carrying out ослабьте a counternut on the screw (it is specified by an arrow) adjustments of the accelerated turns of idling and rotate the screw before reception of demanded turns. After adjustment carrying out tighten a counternut. |
4. If the carburettor is established in the car, warm up the engine to normal working temperature, then adjust the accelerated turns of idling as it is described in subsection Check up that at вытягивании handles of management air заслонкой draught turns in the closed position against the stop the lever. If necessary adjust a cable of management air заслонкой. |
5. Connect to the engine a tachometre. |
6. Start the engine, completely extend the handle of management air заслонкой and compare turns of the engine to the accelerated turns of idling resulted in subsection 6.1.1. For adjustment ослабьте a counternut and, rotating the screw of adjustment of the accelerated turns of idling, establish demanded turns. |
7. After adjustment carrying out tighten a counternut. |
8. Switch off the engine and disconnect a tachometre. |