Subaru Legacy/Outback

1999-2003 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Legasi, Autbek
+ Cars Subaru Legacy, Outback
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
   Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders and tightness of the block
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
   System of greasing of the engine - the general information
   + The procedures of the repair which has been not connected with extraction of the engine from the car, - four-cylinder engines
   - The procedures of the repair which has been not connected with extraction of the engine from the car, - six-cylinder engines
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ
      Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes
      Removal and installation of a pulley of a cranked shaft
      Removal and installation of covers of drive ГРМ
      Removal and installation газораспределительных chains
      Removal and installation of asterisks of a drive of camshafts
      Removal and installation of an asterisk of a cranked shaft
      Automatic натяжитель газораспределительной chains - the general information
      Removal and installation of camshafts
      Removal and installation of heads of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the bottom section of the pallet картера and маслозаборника
      Removal, service and installation of the oil pump
      Service редукционного the valve of the oil pump
      Check of pressure of impellent oil
      Removal and installation of the gauge-switch of pressure of oil
      Removal and installation маслоохладителя
      Removal and installation drive a disk
      Replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
   + The general and major repairs of engines
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual box and differential
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal and installation of camshafts

Details of installation of camshafts

1 — the Cover of the right head of cylinders
2 — the Inlet camshaft
3 — the Final camshaft
4 — the Forward cover of camshafts
5 — the Cover of the forward bearing of an inlet camshaft
6 — the Cover of the central bearing of an inlet camshaft
7 — the Cover of the back bearing of an inlet camshaft
8 — the Cover of the forward bearing of a final camshaft
9 — the Cover of the central bearing of a final camshaft
10 — the Cover of the back bearing of a final camshaft
11 — the Right head of cylinders
12 — the Lining of the right head of cylinders
13 — the Lining of the left head of cylinders
14 — the Left head of cylinders
15 — the Inlet camshaft
16 — the Final camshaft
17 — the Forward cover of camshafts
18 — the Cover of the forward bearing of an inlet camshaft

19 — the Cover of the central bearing of an inlet camshaft
20 — the Cover of the back bearing of an inlet camshaft
21 — the Cover of the forward bearing of a final camshaft
22 — the Cover of the central bearing of a final camshaft
23 — the Cover of the back bearing of a final camshaft
24 — Zaglushki
25 — the Cover of the left head of cylinders

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections, Nanometer

Т1: See Has undressed Removal and installation of heads of cylinders.
Т2: 6.4
Т3: 9.8
Т4: 16
Т5: 59



1. Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft (see Has undressed Removal and installation of a pulley of a cranked shaft).
2. Remove a forward cover of drive ГРМ (see Has undressed Removal and installation of covers of drive ГРМ).
3. Remove газораспределительную a chain (see Has undressed Removal and installation газораспределительных chains).
4. Remove asterisks of camshafts (see Has undressed Removal and installation of asterisks of a drive of camshafts).
5. Remove an asterisk of a cranked shaft (see Has undressed Removal and installation of an asterisk of a cranked shaft).
6. Remove a back cover of drive ГРМ (see Has undressed Removal and installation of covers of drive ГРМ).

7. Uncover the right head of cylinders.

8. Operating in ascending order serial numbers, in regular intervals ослабьте also turn out bolts of fastening of a forward cover of camshafts of the right head.

9. Operating in ascending order serial numbers, in regular intervals ослабьте also turn out bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of camshafts.

10. Having removed covers of bearings, take at first inlet, then final camshafts.

11. Take заглушки from a cover of the left head of cylinders.

12. Operating in the similar manner described above, remove camshafts of the left head (fixture release in a mirror order).



1. Measure size of radial palpation of a camshaft (see Has undressed Removal and installation of camshafts). In case of need make necessary regenerative repair, or replace a shaft.
2. Check up подшипниковые shaft necks on presence of signs of excessive deterioration and mechanical damages. The defective shaft is subject to replacement.

3. Measure external diameters of necks. In case of a deviation of results of measurements from the values resulted in Specifications, make definition of working backlashes in bearings by means of the calibrated plastic thread (set Plastigage):

· Carefully wipe basic surfaces of covers and a shaft neck;
· Lay a shaft on the regular place in a head of cylinders;
· Place lengthways подшипниковых necks pieces of the calibrated plastic thread from set Plastigage;
· Establish covers of bearings and tighten bolts of their fastening with demanded effort (see more low).

 Do not turn a shaft in the course of measurement of backlashes!

· Remove covers and, having measured width of as much as possible flattened out sites of pieces of threads on put on packing of a set to a scale, define sizes of working backlashes in bearings;
· Carefully clear necks and beds of bearings in covers of the rests of the flattened out threads from a set.

4. Estimate a condition of working surfaces of cams of a shaft. Minor defects can be eliminated by means of an emery paper.
5. Check up geometrical parametres of cams of camshafts (see Has undressed Removal and installation of camshafts). Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need replace a shaft.
6. With the help циферблатного a measuring instrument плунжерного type define size axial люфта camshafts (see Has undressed Removal and installation of camshafts). Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need replace a shaft or a head complete with covers of bearings.



1. Having greased подшипниковые necks with impellent oil, establish camshafts on the regular places. Attention: Track correctness of placing of pins in forward flanges of shaft, - at 10 o'clock for shaft of the right head and at 12 o'clock for shaft of the left head.

And — Pins of forward flanges

2. Put a few hermetic of type Three Bond 1280В (a pillow in diameter 2.0 ± 0.5 mm in section) on interfaced surfaces of a back part of forward covers of camshafts.

 Drawing of excessive quantity of hermetic is fraught with development of leaks of oil as a result of epiploon pollution.

3. Having greased interfaced surfaces with impellent oil, establish covers of bearings of camshafts, then, moving to strictly certain order, tighten bolts of fastening of covers with demanded effort (16 Nanometers).

4. Operating in an order, the return shown on an illustration, tighten bolts of fastening of forward covers of camshafts with demanded effort (9.8 Nanometers).

5. According to the scheme presented on an illustration, put a few hermetic of type Three Bond 1280В on interfaced surfaces of heads of cylinders and their covers.

 Drawing of excessive quantity of hermetic is fraught with development of leaks of oil as a result of epiploon pollution.

6. Operating strictly in a certain order, tighten bolts of fastening of a cover of a head of cylinders with demanded effort (6.4 Nanometers).

7. The further installation is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of components.

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