Subaru Legacy/Outback

1999-2003 of release

Repair and car operation

Subaru Legasi, Autbek
+ Cars Subaru Legacy, Outback
+ The operation manual
- Routine maintenance
   The schedule of routine maintenance of cars Subaru Legacy and Outback
   The general data on options and adjustments
   Check of levels of liquids (according to the routine maintenance Schedule)
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment
   Rotation of wheels
   Greasing of components of the chassis
   Check of a condition of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Check of a condition of seat belts
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket
   Check of a condition of components of a steering drive
   Check and adjustment of structure of a mix of idling, - to a forage of the models equipped catalytic with the converter
   Check of a condition of protective covers of hinges of power shafts
   Condition check, adjustment of effort of a tension of belts of a drive of auxiliary units
   Check and adjustment противооткатного devices
   Check of serviceability of functioning and adjustment of components of coupling
   Checks and adjustments of brake system
   Check of a condition of components of system of cooling
   Check of a condition and replacement of a cooling liquid of the engine
   Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
   Check of a condition of components of the power supply system
   Replacement of a brake liquid/prorolling of a hydraulic path
   Replacement ATF of automatic transmission
   Replacement трансмиссионного oils РКПП
   Replacement of greasings of back and forward differential
   Check of a condition and replacement газораспределительного a belt - models 2.0 and 2.5 l
   Check and replacement of the fuel filter
   Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs and ВВ electroconductings
   Check of wheel bearings
   Check клапанных backlashes
   Replacement of belts of a drive of auxiliary units and replacement
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual box and differential
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Check of a condition and replacement of a cooling liquid of the engine

Check of level and concentration of a cooling liquid


 Do not suppose antifreeze hit on open sites of a body and the painted surfaces of the car. Casual splashes immediately wash off a plentiful quantity of water. Remember that antifreeze is extremely a toxic liquid and its hit in an organism even in small amounts is fraught with the most serious consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Never leave antifreeze stored in leaky closed container, immediately collect cooling liquid spilt on a floor. Remember that the sweetish smell of antifreeze can draw to itself attention of children and animals. About ways recyclings of the fulfilled cooling liquid consult with local authorities, - in many regions of the world special points on any reception of working off are equipped. At all do not merge an old cooling liquid in the water drain and on the earth!

 Recently nontoxical grades of antifreeze are developed, nevertheless, they also should to be utilised in the organised order.

1. Regularly, according to the Schedule of routine maintenance of the car (see Has undressed the Schedule of routine maintenance of cars Subaru Legacy and Outback), the cooling system should be emptied, washed out and filled with a fresh mix of antifreeze with water. Such service allows to prevent corrosion development inside охладительного a path and appreciably raises efficiency of functioning of system.
2. During service also the condition of all hoses of system and a cover of a jellied mouth of a radiator (the Section Check of a condition of components of system of cooling see) without fail should be checked. Defective components are subject to replacement. Do not forget about safety measures which should be observed at service of system of cooling (see the prevention in the Section beginning). Remember that the fulfilled cooling liquid is subject to recycling and should not merge in the water drain at all.
3. All models of cars described in the present Management are equipped by system of cooling of the compensatory type, working at superfluous pressure. The broad tank of system of cooling made of translucent plastic is located in the left forward corner of an impellent compartment closely to the battery and connected переливным by a hose to the basis of a jellied mouth of a radiator. At engine warming up the cooling liquid extends, and its surplus flows through the valve which has been built in in a cover of a jellied mouth of a radiator, in a broad tank. In process of cooling, the liquid comes back on a hose back in a radiator that allows to support constantly in norm its level in system.

 Do not uncover at all a jellied mouth of a radiator / a broad tank at the hot engine!

4. Level of a cooling liquid in a broad tank is checked on a regular basis and should be supported between marks FULL and LOW, put on a wall of the tank made of translucent plastic. It is necessary to remember that level of a cooling liquid depends on its temperature, therefore it should be in a cold condition only hardly above bottom (LOW), and after engine warming up - to rise to mark FULL. In case of need make corresponding updating, having added in a tank through a mouth demanded quantity of a fresh mix.

 For updating of level of a liquid use only demanded structure a mix этиленгликоля and the distilled water (approximately 50/50). Remember that frequent application for the given purpose of simple water leads gradual разжижению antifreeze and утрачиванию a mix of frost resistance and anticorrosive properties. It is not necessary to abuse also various type additives.

5. Constant falling of level of a cooling liquid usually testifies to development of leaks in system. Check up on presence of traces of leaks a radiator, connecting hoses, a cover of a jellied mouth, drain stoppers and the case of the water pump. If it is not possible to reveal any signs of leaks, it is necessary to make check of a cover of a radiator by pressure in the conditions of a car-care centre workshop.

 Do not uncover at all a radiator / a broad tank at the hot engine!

6. In need of removal of a cover of a radiator wait full cooling of the engine, then wind a mouth with a thick layer of rags and slowly turn away a cover to the first emphasis. If thus there is steam emission, allow to the engine to cool down a little more, only after that definitively uncover. Having uncovered, check up correctness of landing on it of rubber sealants, in case of need make replacement.
7. Besides level always check also a condition of a cooling liquid, - it should be concerning transparent. If the cooling liquid is painted in krasnovato-brown colour of a rust, the cooling system should be emptied, washed out and filled by a fresh mix of antifreeze with water. Even if the liquid outwardly is not exposed to any changes, entering into its structure ингибиторы corrosion eventually are exposed to the development, therefore the cooling liquid should be replaced regularly according to the Schedule of routine maintenance of the car (see Has undressed the Schedule of routine maintenance of cars Subaru Legacy and Outback).
8. Try not to suppose antifreeze hit on open sites of a skin or the painted surfaces кузовных components. Casual splashes immediately wash off a plentiful quantity of water.

9. Observe interrelation of concentration of antifreeze Subaru and temperatures of freezing of a cooling liquid. A parity between these sizes. For reception of the information on safe working temperature it is necessary to measure relative density of a cooling liquid. For example, if the temperature of a cooling liquid makes 25°C at relative density 1.054 concentration of antifreeze makes 35 % (point A), the safe working temperature of such mix makes-14°C (point), and a freezing point-20°C (point).

Replacement of a cooling liquid


 Do not uncover at all a radiator / a broad tank at the hot engine!

1. For the purpose of maintenance of an easy approach to the pallet картера and to the oil filter hang out the car on the lift, tyre out it on a platform, or поддомкратьте and establish on props.

 At all do not perform any works under the car, kept in the lifted position only a jack!

2. At a corresponding complete set remove protection картера.
3. Place under a drain bolt suitable capacity.
4. Loosen the also turn out a drain bolt.

5. For acceleration of procedure plum open a radiator cover.

 Track, that the following liquid did not spill by drain capacity.

6. Completely having emptied system, wash out a radiator the pure water submitted from a garden hose, - continue washing until the pure transparent stream will not start to follow from the top hose.
7. In cases of especially strong pollution or infringement of passableness of a radiator, remove last (see the Head of System of cooling, heating) and deliver it for regenerative repair and service in a car-care centre workshop. Products of corrosion and dense adjournment leave from a path of system of cooling by chemical processing, - follow instructions of manufacturers of the cleaner got by you.

 At regular performance of procedures of washing of system and replacement of a cooling liquid necessity for carrying out of chemical processing of a path should not to arise.

8. Disconnect переливной a hose from a broad tank and wash out last pure water. Again connect a hose.
9. Densely wrap a drain bolt.
10. Slowly fill in the prepared cooling liquid in a radiator through a bulk mouth, then add cooling liquid in a broad tank to level FULL.

 Authorised cooling liquid Subaru contains antifreeze and the anticorrosive additives specially developed for engines Subaru, equipped aluminium картером. In order to avoid corrosion development картера always use only authorised cooling liquid Subaru.

11. Densely close a radiator cover.
12. Start the engine and allow to it to work within not less than 5 minutes with turns 2000 ÷ 3000 in a minute for warming up of a radiator and removal from охладительного a path of air stoppers.
13. Muffle the engine and wait cooling of a cooling liquid. If liquid level has fallen, repeat procedure.
14. After performance of necessary updating of level of a liquid densely close covers of a radiator and a broad tank of system of cooling.

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